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Hey hey people, Bronz here.

You may be wondering: Why is there another waifu polls already?

The answer to that is: I have had a revelation. And it is thanks to a comment by Danny_Butts in chapter 43(In Webnovel). 

''True true the one in the present is not real but . . . if our boy wants to kill Manus he'll have to go back in time and the gwynevere of Anor Londo back then was very real if likely not so giant anyway Merry Christmas friend and thank you for this wonderful Tale'' -Danny_Butts

Which opened my eyes to the possibility.

So yeah, now I have decided to hold a separate poll to decide whether Gwynevere is added to the harem or not.

So here ya go!


James French

That’d be an interesting take, as far as I know there really isn’t a whole lot of lore regarding her besides ‘marrying Flann, having children with him, and leaving Anor Londo with some other gods’ (wiki excerpt) which leaves a lot of room for changing stuff for the ‘future’ lol