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Maayong Bag-ong Tuig, Tanan!  I hope everyone's year has gotten off to a great start. The card I pulled for you this week is one my faves, from the Angels and Ancestors oracle deck by Lily Moses.

SEER - See beyond the current situation.

When it comes to divination, skeptics often roll their eyes at the thought of "predicting the future." But we are constantly making predictions based on past experiences and what we observe in the present! (Investing! Weather!) When I give readings, I always tell my clients that it is not about predicting the future, but empowering you to create the future you want.  So this week ask yourself: what are some things you might be looking at short-sightedly? Are you self-sabotaging by expecting the worst? Are you constantly imagining worst case scenarios? And if so...what happens if you imagine the best case?


Regular podcast episodes will be on hold this month while I gather more stories and revamp my logos etc but I will be releasing special bonus episodes speaking with devotees of different deities, so stay tuned!



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