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Hey everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Here is your card of the week!


I’ve actually been seeing a lot of foxes lately (and I’m including the foxes I saw in my rewatch of Fleabag - fantastic show if you haven’t seen it). Foxes are thought to be tricksters, but they’re also incredibly stealthy and clever. They don’t go running into a situation guns blazing, they carefully plan out their strategy and when the time is right, they pounce. Is there anything in your life that you might be approaching too forcefully? Is there anything that can benefit from you waiting in the wings, and striking when the moment presents itself? We live in a time of instant gratification, and the fox is reminding you to be a little more patient this week - you’ll be thankful in the end!


Psychic Parties have now changed to WEDNESDAYS 6:15pm PST! Please make sure to join the Discord to stay updated on last minute changes.

This Week

Wed 10am PST - New animated video! www.youtube.com/sapphiresandalo

Wed 5:30pm PST - Stories With Sapphire LIVE! www.youtube.com/sapphiresandalo

Wed 6:15pm PST - BELIEVERS - NEW PSYCHIC PARTY TIME! Please join the Discord to stay updated on any time changes.



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