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Happy new week!


Hope you all had a great weekend!

I wanted to share this lucid dreaming track. I’ve been listening to it [almost] every night and been having just the wildest dreams. Try it out and let me know how it goes!!!


Superstore (Hulu) - This was one of my favorite sitcoms, I started rewatching it recently and it’s just so good. Not only is it wacky and hilarious, but incredibly relatable.

This Week

Tues 4:52am PST - FULL MOON!!!!!!! Take some time to set some intentions and make space for new energy <3

Wed 10am PST - A brand new episode of Stories With Sapphire [animated] goes live! I designed the main character after Rannie from Season 5 Episode 10. If you haven’t already, please check out her website! She offers FREE magick courses and offers pay-what-you-can sessions.

Wed 5:30pm PST - Stories With Sapphire LIVE! www.youtube.com/sapphiresandalo

Thurs 12pm PST - I have a really exciting interview for a super cool new project…please send me all your good vibes!

Thurs 5pm PST - BELIEVERS - Psychic Fun Time!!!


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