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So, I was messing around with an AI image generator and came up with these 330 images (link below). There is some controversy over such things given that the AI was trained on images without the original artist's permission. Now, the legality of that is still working its way through the courts, and we'll see what comes of it. 

For my part, as someone who posted images on DeviantArt for many years, well my work was apparently used to help train it. So, I figure I got more right to use it than most. When I tried certain text prompts it did produce some images in the ballpark of stuff I've posted on DA. It was weird. 

As you can see, the AI is still kinda janky, and gets an image about 80% there. It seems to have trouble with hands, and it can't make a decent hot dog yet. In the hands of a talented digital artist this can certainly be a very powerful tool, but to be honest the time it would take me to finish off that last 20%, well I'd rather be animating. What I WOULD like to do, is try training the AI on my entire back catalogue of images (i.e. build a Chimera46 model) and seeing what it can come up with. That's a bunch of time that I'd rather be animating though, to be honest. 

In any event, please enjoy these AI generated works, such as they are. 

Link: https://mega.nz/folder/lOgAjSDK#kpbx-CInI6HSy6z8I4gGMg 

Note: I'd prefer to make this a free post but given some of the content it needs to be behind a $1 paywall as per Patreon rules. 



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