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Heyo! I went and made an extended version of the crystal busty elf BJ scene from mid 2022. Here is the version I sent off to the voice actress to nom nom to. We've got about 11 camera angles on this one with a runtime of just under 2 mins. 

I was stuck on what to do for a script for this one in terms of an internal monologue, so a friend ran some stuff through an AI text generator and it gave me a wholesome story about how she's helping out with his back pain. It was touching, but not in the way I was looking for. 

So, then I sent it off to Bordeaux Black who was kind enough to write a script. It was slated to be voiced by another VA but I loved what BB brought to this one. I would suggest you read the scripts after viewing the vid, so as not to spoil anything. Enjoy!

Animation: https://mega.nz/file/Ef4VzLjK#mV4U9f5mqA9R6zIXcfHIfeo_924-xR5RSKeoOJp_Gys
BB Script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TouImKgsPZhWOuCa8dDwYW_rxQ97cfee2BrByJEOx9Y/edit?usp=sharing

AI Script: Once upon a time, in a land of fantasy, there was a busty elf named Lyra. She was known for her beautiful curves and her mastery of magic. One day, while wandering through the forest, she came across a strange creature. It was a bug-dude, covered in shimmering exoskeleton and holding a glowing crystal.  Lyra was curious about the bug-dude and approached him. She noticed that he seemed to be in pain and asked him what was wrong. The bug-dude told her that he had been on a long journey and his back was sore.  Lyra, being a kind and compassionate elf, offered to give him a back massage. The bug-dude was overjoyed and gratefully accepted. Lyra used her magic ring to create a soothing energy that she could transfer into the bug-dude's body. As she massaged his back, the pain and tension melted away.  The bug-dude was so grateful for Lyra's help and they became fast friends. They travelled together, with the bug-dude holding the glowing crystal and Lyra using her magic ring to protect them from harm. They had many adventures together, and the bug-dude's back never bothered him again.  From that day on, the bug-dude knew that he could always count on Lyra to have his back, literally and figuratively.

Note: The AI generated script came about like this:

Friend: Busty elf with magic butt-plug giving a BJ to a bug-dude holding a glowing crystal. I wish I could throw that in the ol chat gpt...

Me: Well, replace butt plug with magic ring and replace BJ with back massage?



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