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Since I have read this far I obviously enjoyed the story overall - but about a third into this chapter I took a step back and stopped reading for now because it has become a bit boring and repetitive: kill everyone, kill everything, kill, kill, kill...


As long as Evelyn was travelling with Adrian and Sierra it felt like she was a part of the world, of human society. The story had more appeal to me and felt like it was embedded in some solid worldbuilding when she didn't simply slaughter absolutely everyone around her but only those acting against her. The wordlbuilding is actually still good, but everything feels a bit flat and grey when is it just built up as a background from which everything is just food to her. In the chapters dealing with the hells and the collapse of the previous world it wasn't a problem because it made narrative sense, it was mostly demons and adversaries dying or the world was collapsing and killing everyone anyway. But now it feels like a training montage which consists of Evelyn hoovering up the world around her as some OP murderhobo goddess, with nothing humanizing left about her except a voice in her head and no other interesting or meaningful interactions. I repeat myself - but so does the story: she is a glorified vacuum at this point that sucks up all the gods and people she encounters.