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Five minutes to kill them. Make it four and a half to be safe.

My hatred tore through me, but I kept it in check. Pragmatism was good. Blind rage wasn’t.

I couldn’t let myself lose control.

Even as I considered the situation, my thoughts speeding up as I made full use of my senses, I could feel my inhibitions slipping away.

Mercy? Understanding?

These two had done nothing to earn anything from me.

Options. I needed to look through those. Just because I was willing to do whatever it took didn’t mean I’d magically gain the power I needed to take out a level 27 and a level 23 in a single go.

Their primary method of attack was the zone of [Annihilation] around the [Colorless Sorcerer] along with her [Obliterate]s. The [Necromancer] was a lot less effective without dead bodies to raise, but he still had tricks with necrotic magic and [Telekinesis] that could prove to be deadly if I left him alone.

What tools did I have?

Mana… not that much. Spawning the massive monsters and continuing to [Reshape] the dungeon even as its very matter had been exorcised from this world had been extremely taxing on my reserves, and I’d expended a fair bit more than I’d gained.

I had enough to make one or two final pushes and hopefully [Revivify] Rose afterwards, but that last bit was going to have to be secondary. Until these two were dead and permanently gone, I wasn’t going to be able to get the time and space to resurrect her.

Artifacts. I’d wanted to make use of them, but Rose’s own mother had placed her own [Security Seal]s on every last one of the ones she’d stored within me. I couldn’t use any of those.

I suppressed the burst of anger. Focus.

First step. Distraction.

A quick use of [Reshape] was enough to get the ceiling to intensify its rumbling, and another sufficed to start dropping boulders from above. Both Kingsguard turned their gazes upward, the pressure on me momentarily alleviated as they moved to demolish the falling rock.

Other than that, I had monsters and mana and no reason to hold back on any of them.

Nine [Displacer]s. Fourteen [Mirror Beast]s. One [Skeleton Dragon]. Six [Fake Hydra]s. Forty-seven [Mephit]s.

Scratch that. Twenty-four [Mephit]s. A single [Obliterate] aimed at a falling section of the ceiling managed to carve its way through the bulk of the pack that hadn’t even been trying to target the [Colorless Sorcerer].

I sent my monsters at them with reckless abandon, commanding each and every one of them to kill. There was a primal ferocity to my commands now, and I could see the way they moved faster, moved with more of a purpose.

If I had been ready to do this earlier, Rose might still be alive.

I pushed the thought away, shaking my head. Couldn’t get bogged down.

Almost immediately, I felt the now-familiar intrusion of the [Necromancer] into the [Skeleton Dragon]’s mind, and I deployed the countermeasure that I’d already proved could work.

Two of my [Mirror Beast]s used [Mirror] to mimic [Command Undead], and the combined force of the dungeon and a pair man-sized arachnids was enough to brute force my way back into control of the monster.

The [Colorless Sorcerer] fired [Disintegrate]s, one after another without a single pause in between like she was a machine gun.

She was alternating between targeting the [Mirror Beast]s and me, but that was perfectly fine. I wouldn’t allow either of us to die in a way that mattered.

The air cracked as I ran, and I was underground, a [Displacer] swapping spots with me and tanking the [Disintegrate], saving my life at the cost of three tentacles. Elsewhere, a [Mirror Beast] died, its grasp on the [Skeleton Dragon] faltering, but I had more [Mirror Beast]s to follow up on it.

With no necromantic constructs to use thanks to his ally’s complete eradication of any target she hit and my utter control over the [Skeleton Dragon], the [Necromancer] swapped to using [Telekinesis] and [Lifedrain] instead.

Other than the man-sized [Mirror Beast]s, my monsters were large enough to lessen the effects of the [Telekinesis], but it wasn’t a perfect thing. His first usage of the spell didn’t catch me off guard, but the [Fake Hydra] he targeted wasn’t strong enough to avoid getting thrown into the [Annihilation].

I’d have to keep an eye on him, but I kept my attentions trained on the [Colorless Sorcerer].

Target prioritization. Sudden, overwhelming force.

How much time had elapsed? Thirty seconds? A minute? I’d barely made any progress.

I needed to reframe things. I closed my eyes as I ran, barely dodging an [Obliterate] that exposed the underground area I was in. I didn’t need my human eyes except to see the [Annihilation]-affected areas, and I needed to think.

This fight wasn’t going as well as I needed it to, but that was because I’d been thinking of it in terms of a fight.

For this to go the way I wanted it to, I couldn’t let it be a fight.

It had to be an execution.

I let the suppressed hate and anger flow through me, the storm of negative emotion a familiar surge after so long, and I acted.

With a thought, I collapsed the floor.

This entire time, they’d been walking above the underground shelter. Even if I couldn’t affect a solid fifth of the dungeon anymore, sufficient structural damage to the rest of the ground was enough to get those parts to collapse inwards anyway.

Humans were so used to the ground underneath them being stable. With the level of power these two had achieved, they were partially ready for it, but nobody ever truly expected to take a step and find themselves falling.

[Reshape] allowed me to keep the dungeon floor from falling on myself, preventing an unfortunate death and ensuring that the pieces of Rose I still held in my arms would stay intact enough for a resurrection.

Around me, everything fell. My monsters, my enemies, my dungeon.

I took advantage of the distraction. There wasn’t nearly enough time to use [Revivify] right now, but it was enough of a respite for my monsters to gain ground.

My large monsters weren’t doing enough. Four of my [Displacer]s and three of my [Fake Hydra]s had fallen to [Annihilation] already.

That spell was a real pain.

I sent ten of my existing [Mirror Beast]s to [Mirror] it, and eight of them died before they could even begin the process, an [Obliterate] smashing them apart.

Gritting my teeth, I used my dungeon skills.

My mana pool was getting dangerously low, but I had to see this through. I activated [Spawn Monster] after [Spawn Monster] after [Spawn Monster] until I had only drops of mana left.

I’d acted out of rage when I’d summoned my monsters the first time, but I was done with that.

[Annihilation] and [Obliterate] were the largest problems by far, so I stole them.

The two of them noticed the infestation immediately, killing the [Mirror Beast]s almost as fast as they spawned, but it wasn’t enough.

Nothing would be.

“The [Mirror Beast],” I muttered, my eyes still closed, “is a high-level monster. Beware of allowing one to get close to you, because…”

Seventeen more of them died before the first one closed in on the [Colorless Sorcerer], but one was enough.

[Mirror], it rasped, and when it entered the dead zone around her, its [Annihilation] clashed with hers and it survived.

I smiled, and there was no joy to it. “…because of that.”

Without mana sense, I couldn’t tell the exact details of what was happening inside the [Annihilation], but with the dungeon sight, I watched as the [Mirror Beast] managed to rake an overlong clawed leg across the [Colorless Sorcerer]’s chest before she [Disintegrate]d it.

That was fine.

I had dozens more.

Most died, but some survived and those survivors became nigh-invincible.

Their [Annihilation] cut my dungeon sense off just like the Kingsguard’s did, but that was no matter.

I would sacrifice every last part of myself if I needed to.

It was just one more [Mirror Beast], at first, but that number started to grow as I nudged the still-surviving [Displacer]s and [Skeleton Dragon] to attack the [Necromancer], forcibly preventing him from striking at them.

Two. Four. Seven. Eleven.

They were invisible to me, but I could track the number of times I saw a [Mirror] succeed and birth an area of nonexistence.

“Hold on,” I told the bloody head in my arms, and I ordered a [Displacer] to move me.

Moments later, I activated [Combine] faster than I’d ever done before, shoving the [Mirror Beast]’s properties into the tentacled teleporter.

The [Colorless Sorcerer] noticed me appear within twenty feet of her, but she couldn’t do anything about it when she was being swarmed by [Mirror Beast]s. She was sporting actual damage now, her [Disintegrate]s not fast enough to keep up with the rate that my monsters attacked.

Mana exploded out of the [Necromancer], pulsing from his position as he unleashed his reserves.

[Power Word: Kill], he spoke, glaring at me.

Necrotic mana detonated in the air around him, and then it was replaced by nothingness.

In the heartbeat between his spell casting and his spell taking effect, the [Mirror Displacer] replaced him.

The spell that would’ve forced my third and final [Divine Resurrection] fizzled out, the roiling energy of death replaced by the absolute stillness of the absence of everything.

“Like I said,” I said, “you’ll want to watch out when you use your spells around [Mirror Beast]s.”

I’d invested every last drop of my mana into them, and no matter how hard the Kingsguard worked to kill them, I had more.

[Mirror] became a [Power Word: Kill], the sound of the monster’s screech like nails on broken glass, and the [Necromancer] died. The onslaught of monsters had been enough to damage him until he was under the threshold for the spell, and that was that.

One to go.

The [Colorless Sorcerer] was still holding her own. [Obliterate] did nothing against monsters with [Annihilation] of their own, but she was killing them with [Disintegrate] almost as fast as they could attack her.

But the death of the [Necromancer] had given me a chunk of my mana back.

It was a numbers game now, and she wasn’t going to win.

The Kingsguard killed four of them in a single blast, and eight came to take their place.

I was losing dungeon space. What had been a fifth of the dungeon lost to [Annihilation] was now nearly half of it, the effect spreading across paths and across rooms.

I didn’t care.

“Stop this!” the sorcerer shouted, a desperation cry in the face of an ever-increasing wave of monsters. “I have—“

I ignored her plead, spawning more monsters.

“You came here to kill me,” I said, my voice still far calmer than it had any right to be. “It’s only right for me to return the favor.”

Four minutes had passed.

I knelt down, setting what was left of Rose down on the ground, and I prayed, silently begging the goddess that this would work.

[Revivify] started to take hold and my heart soared.

It dropped when I realized I couldn’t complete the spell yet. I’d spent so much mana on the monsters…

There was only once source of mana left.

As I sat there, watching a single woman get overwhelmed by [Annihiliation]-infused arachnids from every side, I counted. One minute left.

Five. Ten. Fifteen.

She was barely visible at this point, her only sign of life the occasional flash of green light from within the pile of grasping claws and screaming faces.

Twenty. Twenty five. Thir—

Mana surged within me, the [Colorless Sorcerer]’s body finally giving out.

[Level up!]

I dismissed it.

For now…

New pink flesh and blood took shape under my bloodstained hands, first a chest and a torso and then arms and legs, pure and untouched and alive.

Rose coughed.

“Don’t move,” I said, and I allowed myself to collapse.


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