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Oof, this one got really long. Enjoy and leave feedback!

“Do you have everything?” Rose asked, practically bouncing with excitement.

“Troy has his stick,” Ryan said, rolling his eyes and smiling. “I didn’t let the order know about this, so… no armor, unfortunately. I have my sword, though.”

“It’s an arcane focus,” Troy protested. “And are you sure you’re going to be alright without your plate? I know how good you are with that blade, but…”

“It’s fine,” Ryan said. “My sword is magical, and I’ve practiced enough to fend off a few bandits.”

“Don’t kill them all,” Rose said. “You never know which of them might’ve been forced into it.”

“I understand,” Ryan replied, patting his sheathed sword. “The order emphasizes the sanctity of life.”

“I’m just saying,” Troy said, stretching his arms out, “if someone tries to kill me, I’ll probably try killing them back.”

“That’s fine,” Rose said. “We’ll see how it goes. This is our first time, after all—all the books in the world can’t accurately simulate what it feels like in real life.”

They’d delayed their first adventure together for what must’ve been months at this point—between Ryan’s training in the order, Rose’s business trips with her mother, and Troy’s never-ending lessons, the three of them had been hard-pressed for time.

Still, they’d managed to assemble a time slot, though that was in part because of an emergency. One of Rose’s mother’s Ketz vaults had been raided, and though the loss of the gold within hurt, it was the disappearance of a work-in-progress artifact that’d caused widespread alarm. Her mom had canceled her plans, Ryan’s order had been mobilized, and Troy’s teacher had been enlisted to locate where the bandits had taken them.

Thank the goddess, Troy’s teacher was still an adventurer at heart. He’d recognized that Troy might want to take part in this, and after judging the situation as one that probably wasn’t too high-risk, he’d ‘accidentally’ let the coalition’s plans slip to the [Apprentice Mage].

“Remember, guys,” Rose said. “Four hours.”

“More than enough,” Troy said. “The old man gave me a specific enough location and path. They’ll definitely pass through the valley in the next half hour.”

“And we’re almost there,” Ryan said. “Let’s get set up as fast as we can, shall we?”

“Yep, yep,” Rose said, nodding. “The projection was six of them, right?”

She was going over information they all already knew, but she was so excited. This was their first proper adventure! After her mother had spent so long telling her off every time she went into the woods to practice her more offensively-oriented songs, Rose was finally going to be able to give her the finger and take part in something real.

Rose couldn’t wait.

The thirty minutes stretched on for far longer than they should’ve. During that time, Rose double-checked that everyone was full on mana and ready to go at least six times.

At long last, though, their target was in sight.

“There,” Ryan said, pointing to the entrance of the valley they were situated above. “The caravan’s coming.”

The ‘caravan’ in question was a single covered wagon, pulled along by some magical power instead of horses and flanked by four identical armorclad behemoths.

“Woah, those guards are bigger than I thought they’d be,” Rose muttered. “That’s gotta be, what, two and a half meters?”

“Around that, I’d gauge,” Ryan said. “It makes sense, right? They need strong soldiers to guard a valuable target.”

“There’s still only four of them,” Troy said, one hand on his chin. “Plus, if the old man’s right, two more inside. That’s not much to guard a supposedly powerful artifact.”

“They’re probably pretty strong,” Rose said. “They’d have to be, otherwise my mom would’ve never even considered waiting four hours to gather her forces together.”

“Can we even do this, then?” Troy asked. “I don’t want to back out now, but if even your mother needs time to prepare to deal with these people…”

“We can,” Rose asserted. “My mom wants to have a hundred percent chance at success. Our chances might be a little worse, but we can think of something, I’m sure. Some way to lead them off. If it comes down to it, I can try to [Song of Displacement] one or two of them away.”

“Something’s weird with them,” Ryan said. “They’re too perfect.”

“Too perfect?” Troy asked, joining the [Knight] at his position atop the edge of the cliff. Fifteen meters under them and about ten meters to the left, the horseless covered wagon was slowly approaching them.

“Their movements,” Ryan said. “They’re in lockstep. As far as I can tell, they’re not missing a single beat. They could just be super well trained, but…”

“You think it’s something magic,” Troy surmised. “Let me take a look.”

Rose felt the air shift as the [Apprentice Mage] drew mana to his eyes in a novel application of [Detect Magic] that his teacher had revealed to him a month or two ago.

“Shit, you’re right,” Troy said. “Their entire armor is magical.”

“Doesn’t that just mean they’re more powerful?” Rose asked, her heart sinking. That would be hard to deal with.

“I don’t think it’s that,” Troy said. “If I trace the magic back… oh. Oh, damn.”

“What is it?” Rose asked, trying a little too hard to not sound desperate. They’d finally managed to come on an adventure like this, and now having any reason to not turn back in the face of overwhelming firepower was her last thread of hope for this to still turn out fruitfully.

“There’s magic at their core,” Troy said. “It connects to a spot inside the caravan.”

“That means they’re…” Rose flipped through encyclopedias that her mom had made her memorize, ages of despairingly long lessons finally coming in handy. “Automatons? Constructs of some kind?”

“That sounds right,” Troy said. “If you can get those four away from the wagon itself, I might be able to make a play.”

“Do you need us to go down there?” Rose asked.

“Anything works if you can distract them—safely distract them,” Troy said. “Can you do that?”

“I can try something,” Rose said. As a matter of fact, she had been practicing something for niche scenarios where she had to distract someone. “Wish me luck!”

She ran off, sprinting away down the valley’s edges. The caravan wasn’t moving very quickly, so she was able to outpace it pretty easily.

When she was at least thirty meters away from her two best friends, she looked down into the valley.

Rose breathed deep, and then she sang.

It was a basic song, a boss theme from one of her other self’s favorite fantasy games back on Earth, but it was infused with just the right mana for it to trigger a [Song of Provocation].

It was an almost useless spell. She’d likely not be able to use it anytime in the near future. What kind of physically weak [Bard] like her was going to explicitly try to attact attention to herself from enemies that could easily take her out in one hit?

She wasn’t quite sure why, but it worked well enough. The guards noticed her, and then they started walking towards her, all four of them abandoning the caravan.

Why? Why had they left the caravan with the valuables unguarded?

Unless… Troy had given her reason to believe these were automatons, artificial creatures of steel and mana. Maybe her spell had hit the people controlling them, causing them to send their guards on a wild rampage?

Whatever the truth was, she had to get out of here. They were gaining on her fast, each of their steps cracking solid rock underneath them, and they didn’t seem to care about silly little things like gravity as they quite literally ran on the walls of the valley to get at her.

“Good work, Rose!” Troy shouted. “Now watch this!”

The [Apprentice Mage] activated the [Manaburst] he’d been so proud of perfecting, sending a bolt straight at the wagon.

Rose was too busy running for her life to notice the impact, but when she turned her head back, she saw that the roof of the caravan had a massive hole punched through it, revealing two armored individuals inside it along with…

“There’s two artifacts in there,” Troy said, panting with effort. “Goddess, I love this spell, but I don’t think I can cast it again for a bit.”

“Your vision tells you that?” Rose asked.

The [Apprentice Mage] nodded, hands on his knees. “I think Ryan might be able to spot them out.”

“I see them,” the [Knight] said, walking to her and leaning closer to her so that she could see where he was pointing at more clearly. “Can you?”

If Rose squinted, she could just barely make out three vaguely box-shaped items within the still-moving caravan. One of them was all too familiar to her, but the other two—both substantially smaller—were completely new.

“I can get those, I think,” Rose said, preparing to sing. “There’s two artifacts, not just one.”

Before anyone could comment on that, she sang, weaving the powerful mana provided by her unique [Final Soloist] skill into a jaunty tune about a girl escaping the chains that had bound her for years, and her [Song of Displacement] manifested inside the caravan below them.

She kept singing, strengthening the song, and she had to hold on to Ryan’s armored shoulder to keep herself stabilized as the mana drained out of her. Still, she’d gotten it to work, and her three targets were flying through the air with all the grace of a crippled pelican.

They barely made it up onto the flat part of the top of the valley when her song gave out, the mana escaping the weave and dissipating into thin air, but they made it.

“Holy shit,” Ryan said. “You did it.”

“I did it!” she shouted, a mixture of adrenaline and elation filling her even though she hadn’t seen any combat. “We did it!”

“Destroy that box,” Troy said, pointing at the smallest one of the items she’d fished out.

“I got it,” Ryan said, drawing his sword. “Why?”

“Automaton control unit,” the [Apprentice Mage] explained simply.

Ryan got to work attacking it. Between the power of his sword and his practiced strikes, he eliminated the box.

In the distance, the robots—er, automatons, Rose got her words mixed up sometimes—fell, their strings cut.

“That was so cool,” Rose said.

“Yeah,” Ryan replied. “I didn’t get to do much, though.”

“How about this,” Rose said. “Let’s look around. See if there’s anything else worth doing in this area. We have the day to ourselves, after all. I’ll drop Mom’s artifact back off to her and leave before she figures out how I got it, and then we can go into the woods and see what we find. We’ve got another artifact that I don’t need to report to Mom and plenty of time. Let’s find another adventure, yeah?”

“Now that,” Ryan said, grinning, “sounds like a plan.”

And so, the three of them walked off, heedless of the two Kingsguard still left standing behind them.

On that day, they discovered the Ketz dungeon, and their lives were forever changed.


“I can’t believe it’s only been, what, a few weeks? Maybe a month or two? Anyway, it really hasn’t been that long since we found Lucas’ dungeon,” Rose said. “I feel so much stronger now than I was then.”

“Can you imagine what it’d be like if we had to handle that again?” Troy said. “We totally could’ve just taken down the automatons ourselves.”

“Screw that,” Ryan said, puffing up his chest to exaggerate his words, “I could’ve done it myself. A few [Agility Boost]s and I could’ve just taken the artifacts and left.”

“I still don’t think we should be using that artifact,” Troy said. “I still can’t make heads or tails of it, but it makes me uneasy.”

“It’s made some of our training sessions seem way more effective, right?” Rose asked. “I feel more powerful when it’s out. I don’t actually know what it does, but… I think it’s useful.”

“Didn’t that one intruder… the [Astral Monk], right, didn’t she have a Kingsguard artifact on?” Ryan asked.

“Think so,” Rose said. “But I keep it in the vault most of the time and we’ve got a load of security on it. If they wanted to activate it, I feel like they would’ve when we first got it.”

The three of them were standing just outside the vault in question. Though Iris had claimed to never spoil her child, Rose was sure that even a blind man could see that the [Bard] had been afforded certain advantages in life.

One of those advantages was this. A vault large enough and safe enough to store any magical items, money, or just really anything she wanted. It was voluminous enough that she could’ve easily fit half a mansion inside there, but she couldn’t deny that she appreciated her mother giving her free reign with it.

“I guess,” Troy said. “I do agree that it feels better when we have it in training, but I’d still like to err on the side of caution.”

“It’ll be fiiiine,” Rose said, drawing out the word intentionally. “Come on. It’s been a long day. I’ll treat you guys to ice cream or something.”

“That sounds nice,” Ryan admitted.

“As soon as the guards finish changing their shifts,” Rose muttered. “It’s been a fair bit longer than usual.”

They normally swapped shifts in under a minute. Rose was sure that it’d been at least five by now. What was the holdup?

The [Bard] tensed. Maybe it was just because they had just been having a discussion about the artifact they’d stolen from the Kingsguard, maybe she was just being paranoid, but something felt off.

Her guard never missed shift swaps. They were paid far too much to risk that.

If not incompetence, then…

Malice. Enemy action.

“I’m going to go check in on them,” Rose announced, stepping forwards towards the entrance of the building that held her vault. “I’ll—“

The doors smashed open and fog spilled forth, obscuring the bulk of the vault from Rose’s view.

It wasn’t dense enough to hide the figure within. Rose looked at the person walking out of the vault, carrying an awfully familiar spherical artifact, and… she vaguely recognized one of her guards.

“What are you doing?” Rose asked. “What’s the deal with this?”

The figure stopped in its tracks, and mana flashed around the man, coalescing on his body.

“Kingsguard!” Ryan shouted.

Rose’s eyes widened, and she dove for the ground just as the man she’d thought to be her guard blazed towards her at speeds that would’ve been mind-bending if she hadn’t witnessed Ryan sprint.

She registered a single twinkle of light reflecting off the blade descending upon her, and she raised her arms in front of her face, knowing it wouldn’t be enough.

The blade made impact, a metallic clanging reverbing throughout the air hard enough to rattle Rose’s bones, and she looked up.

“Go!” Ryan shouted, deflecting a second blow with his sword. “Out of melee range!”

Right. She recovered from her shock, singing a brief note to begin a [Song of Displacement] that pushed her away from the enemy.

And this was an enemy, that was for sure. Whether it was someone else that was mind controlled or a bona fide Kingsguard infiltrator amongst the ranks of her guards, he’d taken the artifact that she’d stolen from the Omen king’s army and he’d just tried to kill her.

She switched her frame of mind, clocking out of the chill out with friends mode and swapping to fully focusing on combat.

She’d prepared for this. Lucas had prepared her for this.

“Supporting!” she shouted, beginning her [Song of Strength] for Ryan. “Try to take him down!”

“I’ll strike when you stop!” Troy shouted.

Ryan blurred forward, glimmering with strength and speed, and the Kingsguard went to meet him, greatsword in hand.

An exchange of blows happened in a period of time small enough that Rose couldn’t quite process the swordfight itself. All she could do was sing and hope that Ryan would prevail.

As it turned out, the Kingsguard had quite a bit more experience in the realm of swordfighting. When the dust cleared and the two combatants were moving at something approaching normal speeds, Ryan was bleeding badly across his torso and upper arms where his enemy’s sword had grazed at him. His magical sword, the [Knight]’s pride and joy, was spiraling end over end through the air.

Goddess, I wish he had his armor. He’d only just taken it off after a day training with the order, too… the timing couldn’t have been worse.

“Retreat!” Rose hollered. “You’re in no shape to fight!”

Ryan gave her a pained nod and started to limp away. The Kingsguard was a lot faster than him like this, so—

Rose pulled out the only instrument she had on hand—her trusty keyed lute—and played song about summits, about escaping the limits you placed on yourself. Her [Song of Displacement] connected with Ryan, and he soared towards her, her assistance allowing him to outpace the Kingsguard behind him.

“Don’t let him get away, Troy!” Rose shouted.

“Got it!” The [Apprentice Mage] sent a double-strength [Paralyzing Wave] sizzling towards the Kingsguard, seeking to try to catch him off balance.

Despite the progress Troy had made, despite all the level-ups he’d gained, he just wasn’t powerful enough yet. The Kingsguard tanked the spell head-on, shivering for a second but otherwise making it through unaffected.

Rose couldn’t tell whether the Kingsguard was trying to kill them all or just re-steal the artifact and go. It was probably both, honestly.

“Fuck!” Troy shouted. “I need you to trip him up!”

That made sense. Stronger adventurers could sometimes shrug off certain effects, but having a very good chance at ‘making a save’ or resisting the spell didn’t mean they were guaranteed to. Any number of factors—most notably, distraction or active physical harm—was liable to throw people off.

Rose changed tactics. Her healing wasn’t strong enough to get Ryan right back into the fight, and while he looked pretty heavily wounded, he was definitely still going to live. For the time being, she’d help Troy. Healing later.

For now, she swapped her song over to a [Song of Weakness], playing a dark ballad of how a once-strong army suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the enemy. With [Final Soloist], the Kingsguard wouldn’t be able to successfully toss it off, and that meant he was slower and hit less hard than before.

“Weakened!” Rose shouted. Always call out your spells. Lucas’ words drifted back to her.

She realized a moment later that it might not’ve been the right play when the Kingsguard dashed at her anyway.

Even at half speed, he ran faster than her. If Ryan had still been up and active, he would’ve been able to make a play, but he was holding his wounds closed right now and slowly crawling over to where his blade was.

“Healing Ryan!” she called, beginning a [Song of Rest]. This spell went well with main menu music, mostly.

She focused in on the bleeding [Knight], channeling her mana into letting him rest and heal his wounds, and slowly, bit by excruciating bit, they did.

Except it wasn’t until too late that she realized that the Kingsguard was still moving and no longer affected by [Song of Weakness].

At the very last second, as a blade shone with the promise of death once more, Rose screamed a single note of a [Song of Displacement].

It was only thanks to her extensive training over the past few weeks that she even managed to have the mana for it, and even then it wasn’t completely enough. She sent the Kingsguard flying straight up, but just one note wasn’t enough to activate its full effect.

The Kingsguard’s strike was thrown off, but not enough. A searing strip of pain lit up across her arms and chest, and as she fell to one knee, dripping red fluid, she vaguely recognized that she’d been hit.

Despite that, it’d been an opportune moment. With all his energy focused on Rose and the [Song of Displacement] taking half-effect at the end, he wasn’t able to avoid or mitigate the final [Paralyzing Wave] from the [Apprentice Mage] behind him.

Rose felt dizzy.

As the edges of her vision started closing in on her, she began one final [Song of Rest], just enough to keep herself from slipping into unconsciousness.

While she watched the barely-functional Ryan start limping off to get help and the extremely angry Troy cast [Paralyzing Wave] after [Paralyzing Wave] at his new prisoner, all she could think was one thing.

I need someone to teach me to fight better.


“Sooooo, yeah, we’re here now,” Rose concluded. “I’ll be the first to admit I fucked up a lot, and I do want to get better at that, but I’m super tired right now. It’s been a really long night explaining things, and I didn’t get much sleep because the healers in town aren’t as good as you.”

Lucas looked at her, and she found herself looking away for some reason.

“You look exhausted,” Lucas said. “You still have the artifact with you?”

He was calculating something, she was sure. He always was. He was a planner, and she liked that about him.

“I do,” she said, withdrawing the fist-sized metallic sphere from within her robes. “Right here.”

“Well, enough people have been hurt or killed over this,” Lucas said. “Let’s see if I can’t figure out what it does.”


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