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Remember, if you see something that you think is weird, let me know. I do edit these based on feedback prior to final publication.

As it turned out, waking the [Fake Hydra] wasn’t going to be a problem, because it was already active when we got there.

Not that I hadn’t known that. I doubted the party had that information, though.

The chute ride had been short and unceremonious as before, depositing us at the top of a steep stone staircase that descended into the expanded boss room.

“The pseudo-hydra is already awake,” I said, gesturing at the still-dark room. As I did, torches turned on throughout the place, illuminating the outline of the monster that lurked within. “Move quickly.”

“Alright,” Rose said. “This is a new place to start from, but it’s not super safe, so let’s get down.”

“Got it,” Troy said.

Anderson, of course, stayed silent.

“Mmm,” Ryan added, his steps heavy and slow.

The fight against the earth constructs had taken a lot out of our [Knight]. He was tending towards more of a nova build, it looked like, focused on dumping a ton of high-power attacks at once and dealing massive damage, but that came with the downside of not having a whole lot of residual stamina and mana to continue fighting with.

At least he was still standing on his own two feet.

The way I’d had this set up had the pseudo-hydra not actually initiate its attack until the adventurers were down the stairs. It felt a little unfair to start the boss battle while they were in such a vulnerable place.

I wouldn’t mention that, of course. Part of the increased challenge for this boss battle was coming into it while fresh off the waste of resources and energy that the previous room had been. Allowing them to abuse the stairs as a safe zone to rest and recuperate their resources wasn’t in my plans, so I stayed silent and hurried along with the rest of the party.

“Out of mana,” Ryan got out. “Tired.”

“I can [Song of Rest] you, but we need to get down to safety first,” Rose said, stepping back to lend a shoulder to the exhausted [Knight]. “C’mon. Troy, are you good to be primary offense for a bit? I don’t have much left either.”

“Sure,” Troy said. “I think I have the most mana left?”

“Probably,” Rose said. “Lucas might have more, but he’s the tour guide, not our babysitter, and he’s not an offensive powerhouse besides.”

“That’s the truth,” I said, moderately relieved that she hadn’t brought up the fact that I could control the dungeon up. Sure, she’d said she would keep it a secret, but I’d been burned too many times in my past life to fully trust her words yet.

“I can do offense and some defense,” Troy said as we reached the bottom of the stairwell. “I’ll do what I can.”

“Thanks,” Rose said. “I’ll try to get Ryan in the fight again, but it’ll take most of the rest of what I have. I think a mana-dry Ryan can do more than me in terms of combat, so it’s probably worth.”

The [Bard] turned to face Anderson. When she spoke again, her voice had dropped twenty degrees. “You will participate.”

“Of course I will,” he said, smiling in just the right way to maximize my desire to sock him in the teeth.

I refrained. Unfortunately. Have to maintain some level of professionalism. Wouldn’t do if the tour guide started beating up his customers.

The pseudo-hydra hissed, having noticed that all the adventurers were on the ground now and thus fair game, and the fight began before everyone was properly ready.

Troy threw up a [Shield] large enough to protect himself and followed it up with a simple [Manaburst] aimed at the dragon. “Get back! I can’t cover everyone!”

Rose nodded silently and turned around, taking Ryan with her.

Anderson moved to one side, preparing both his guns. The swaggering self-confidence that I’d seen when he had arrived had come back, returned from the depths of inadequacy by that stupid stunt he’d just pulled off.

I really hated him.

The worst part was that his self-confidence was so completely unjustified. He’d recovered a fair bit of the mana he’d spent on [Void Bullet]s, but he wasn’t using any of them, going back to relying solely on [Eagle’s Eye] plus a few other targeting and power spells. If I had to guess, [Void Bullet] probably had a limited number of uses per day, limits which he’d already met.

His bullets flew true, but they weren’t doing much. With my dungeon-senses, I could see the effect they were having as shot after shot landed straight on the pseudo-hydra’s snout—little specks of blood flew, but the creature didn’t look much more than annoyed about it.

One nice shot happened to hit one of the eyes, splashing viscera around its entry point, but it still had at least five more eyes and Anderson wasn’t consistently dealing damage to them.

Honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that Troy was drawing its attention so hard, the [Sharpshooter] likely would’ve been out of the fight already.

The [Apprentice Mage] was, as always, putting in the work. Troy was practically a glowing ball of mana, maintaining a [Shield] while casting spells as fast as he could utter their incantations. He was primarily alternating between using his hand to cast one low-cost spell—a smaller [Manaburst], [Thunderspark], or [Mana Missile]—and using his arcane focus (which still looked like nothing more than a long stick he had found in the woods) to cast a high-cost spell—[Fireball], [Paralyzing Wave], and [Dagger Storm], so far. The one status effect didn’t quite affect the boss, which made sense given its size.

With his glowing stick of an arcane focus and the first stage of his barrage of spells dealing enough damage to one of the pseudo-hydra’s heads to rip its eye out, it was no wonder that the boss decided to focus on him, slithering around and over stalactites to slowly make its way down from the ceiling towards Troy.

It was a testament to the man’s willpower that he didn’t even flinch as the massive snake closed the distance, turning fifty feet between them into forty into thirty. It was being slowed, that much was obvious—if Troy was able to keep this barrage up for a while more, there was a good chance he could actually kill the thing.

For a moment, the stream of spells stopped, and I turned to look at Troy, worried that he’d run out of mana, but his [Shield] was still glowing bright blue.

Ah. The caster was gripping his arcane focus with both hands, charging up an attack with much more mana than even the strongest [Fireball] he’d cast.

A new spell? I knew that Troy was an apprentice, which meant that he was learning a lot, and his increased mana capacity with levels meant that he could cast more spells with each visit. He’d leveled three times in the time I’d known him, and I had likely yet to see much of his repertoire.

He proved me right.

As his mana spiked, he reached one hand out and cast a [Manaburst] at the ceiling. The glowing blue ray of force struck the base of a stalactite just hard enough to force it to drop, but it wasn’t anywhere near the snake. Even if it had been, it wouldn’t have dropped long enough to do actual damage, and the pseudo-hydra was pretty good at dodging besides.

I realized what it was a moment later as he released the spell he’d been storing.

Mana exploded outwards, the world lighting up in bright shades of white and blue and purple to my dungeon senses, and then Troy [Displace]d the rock.

The falling stalactite vanished.

It reappeared at the base of the pseudo-hydra’s neck, half of the stalactite manifesting within the snake flesh itself.

A beat passed, and then one of the monster’s three heads exploded into a shower of gore, the stalactite splintering apart as it practically decapitated the snake.

As I watched, one of the snake’s ten-foot long necks dropped to the ground, eviscerated like a bomb had been detonated inside it.

“Fuck,” Troy said, his words drowned out by the din of rock and flesh pattering against the ceiling and ground. “Missed.”

Ah. He might’ve been targeting the base of the necks, which would’ve killed the entire monster instead of just one of its heads.

I frowned. Wait, [Displace] isn’t supposed to be able to—

Troy collapsed.

“Shit,” I muttered.

“Troy!” Rose shouted, pausing her [Song of Rest].

Before I could make my way to him, the snake sought its revenge, slithering forward startlingly fast for something that had just violently lost one of its heads.

To his credit, the [Sharpshooter] did try to take some shots at the pseudo-hydra as it did so, but while they were actually starting to deal real damage, drawing decently large amounts of blood, the beast was bloodthirsty. He could’ve hit it with a cannon and it would’ve cared for it less than a mosquito bite.

In an instant, the pseudo-hydra was upon him, and then it struck twice.

For its first attack, it raked its fangs across Troy’s front. Though his [Shield] was fading away, it still managed to block some of the hit with the last of its power, so the fangs didn’t wholly rend him apart. Instead, they tore through leather armor like it was wet tissue paper, gouging him twice across the chest.

With its second strike, the pseudo-hydra bashed him with its head, sending him flying.

That’s going to leave a mark.

Even though it might have been against my self-imposed rules, I reshaped the wall to curve inwards so that his impact would be at a less direct angle and activated a [Create Water] there, softening his blow however I could. That effort was enough to turn his impact into one that left a bloody imprint of his entire body on the wall.

“Troy!” Rose shouted. “Lucas, please—“

“On it,” I said, already sprinting over. “Get Ryan up. We need him.”

Without the reshape, that might’ve been straight-up death for him. With the speeds he’d been going at and his lackluster armor, it was very possible that that impact would’ve turned him into a thin red paste if the angle had been worse, and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to [Revivify] that.

As it was, a quick [Triage] revealed that he was practically on death’s door. Pretty much everything involved standard messages about critical organ failure that pointed to that, though there were a couple parts that I hadn’t seen before.

[Subject is suffering from mana overdraw.]

[Subject has violated the Will of the Goddess. Subject’s penalty was lessened due to its [HIDDEN] skill.]

While I attached an array of [Healing Streams] and a [Spare the Dying] to him, I considered those messages.

From the Guild books I’d read during my time as an adventurer along with the Guild books that Rose had graciously donated to me, I had learned a fair bit about monster skills. [Displace] wasn’t supposed to be a spell that humans normally got, especially at a level this low, but I supposed that Troy’s unique skills were helping him in that.

[Displace] also was never supposed to be able to be used like that. Juxtaposing one object inside another had never been seen before, and I assumed the Will of the Goddess was why.

Well, I could question that later. For now, what was important was that Troy wasn’t going to die and he was kind of out of the way of danger.

Not that there was really anywhere in this room that wasn’t dangerous anymore.

In the corner of my perception, I noticed Anderson sprinting in the opposite direction of the pseudo-hydra, his guns tucked away.

Coward. He’d even gotten to the point where he was damaging the boss, too! Why was he running now?

Thankfully, Ryan was back on his feet now, sword in hand. After another minute of healing, Troy would be too.

“I got some mana back,” Ryan called out. “Nothing that can one-shot the boss, though.”

“I have an idea,” Rose replied. “But it’ll need some time. Can you buy me a minute?”

Ryan saluted. “Sure thing.”

The [Knight] took off, sprinting with only the slightest burst of an [Agility Boost] powering his steps forward.

He didn’t make it very far before the pseudo-hydra noticed him, and it struck.

With another quick dip into [Agility Boost], Ryan barely dodged the incoming fangs, slashing the pseudo-hydra along the way. He was keeping up with it, but just barely.

Note to self: don’t use the earth constructs in the puzzle room for lower levels. This final room was supposed to have air vents and earth constructs, but I’d disabled those with Anderson in mind. Even then, just having the previous room to exhaust resources was really changing this last fight. It might legitimately prove to be too hard for a regular four-man level 4 party, given the difficulty it was giving Minus One.

Ryan had managed to get away largely unharmed, though he was limping a bit from a strike that he hadn’t fully managed to block.

The pseudo-hydra was looking a little worse for wear, though it still had both its heads intact.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure who would win if the two of them kept duking it out.

“I have enough mana!” Rose announced. “Ryan, retreat!”

On the other side of the room, I could see Anderson swivel, turning back now that it was apparent that progress was being made. Asshole.

The [Knight]’s retreat wasn’t perfect. As he moved, he still had to contend with the pseudo-hydra’s best attempts at killing him, and though he fended it off admirably, it still managed to land a hit or two.

“Tossing you a heal, Ryan!” I said, casting a [Rejuvenating Pulse] at him.

“Thanks!” he shouted back, straightening up as a broken leg fixed itself. “Rose, you ready?”

“Hit [Agility Boost] with all you’ve got on three,” Rose said. “Keep your sword out to one side. You ready? You might need heals again after.”

“Fine,” Ryan replied. “Ready.”

“One, two… three!”

A second after Ryan took off, propelled by his [Agility Boost], Rose sang her [Song of Displacement], turning his already superhuman speed into something blazing fast.

As he moved, the pseudo-hydra lowered itself to meet him, and he struck.

For a second, Ryan became a sharp projectile, traveling at a high enough speed that his magical sword didn’t need any extra buffs to simply cleave through the remaining two heads with one final blow, ichor geysering out of the wounds he left behind.

The ending of the fight was rather anticlimactic. Ryan managed to stop himself just before he slammed into a wall, and then the pseudo-hydra fell, both of its remaining heads bisected.

Just as the monster died, Troy gasped awake.

“What’d I miss?”

“You won,” I said. “Congratulations. I do have to say, though—there’s one more room.”

Before Troy could groan at that, I helped him to his feet. “Come on, it’ll be fine.”

I’d forgotten to give M-1 their loot enough times.

It was time to finally visit the reward room.


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