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It ended up taking fifteen minutes to integrate the ARI into my interface. Before that, I’d tried to award her some loot from the final room—armor pieces with snake carvings in them and coins, mostly—but Lisa had refused to take most of it. After a bit of a back and forth, I’d at least managed to get her to take a few coins, but it was still a significantly lower reward than it should’ve been.

Afterwards, we’d gone to the safe room and she’d given me the interface through some kind of upload/download process that neither she nor I completely understood.

All told, it’d been about an hour from Lisa’s arrival to her departure, but it had felt like shorter than that.

This adventuring guide gig really was fun.

“Well, I believe that I must return,” Lisa said, sheathing her sword with a sense of finality. “An issue has come up. It was truly a pleasure, Lucas. I hope to come here again.”

“Please do, and good luck with the issue,” I said. “Is it serious? If you need anything—money, resources, a good time—feel free to drop around.”

“It may be serious if left unattended,” she said. “I appreciate the offer, thank you. I’ll be off now.”

“See you around,” I said, waving.

With yet another [Haste] layered over an [Agility Boost], she dashed off.

I shook my head with a smile. The interface wasn’t exactly perfect in terms of balancing, so silly interactions like [Haste] multiplying the [Agility Boost] multiplier to achieve insane amounts of speed were relatively commonplace. Something warmed my heart about those instances. Performing them myself was fun, but watching other people discover and implement them gave me a sense of pride and fulfillment for them.

Helping them into it heightened that feeling, and though I hadn’t been able to teach Lisa anything new, I was looking forward to the potential newbies that I might be able to offer guidance to.

I thought back to the adventurers that I’d done my second and final dungeon with. We’d had a [Swordsman], a [Flame Knight], and a [Wizard] there, and it had been during our time together that we’d thought of using some spell combinations to increase our effectiveness in battle. A crucial part of the final bossfight in that dungeon had involved a [Haste] that had its effectiveness amplified through the [Swordsman]’s [Emboldening Bond], which had ultimately led to the [Flame Knight] dealing critical blows through her [Surging Strikes], the effects of which had been massively multiplied by the effects of both of those spells.

Reminiscing about the parties I’d been with before wasn’t exactly the best use of my time, but I let myself dwell on the past for a little longer.

I wondered where they were now. Had covering the detonating Dungeon Core with my body been enough to save their lives? I assumed so, else the goddess likely wouldn’t have been so irritated with me.

What were they doing now? Living lives of their own, obviously, but what did that entail? Had K’lon the [Swordsman] grown more comfortable with his blade? Had the [Flame Knight] Ashley learned to become one with the fire that she wielded? Had Thorn, our party’s [Wizard], earned enough to get the education he desired?

I hoped I would get to meet them again one day, show them that I had lived and see what my ‘sacrifice’ had bought them.

One day, I imagined, I would think of M-1 the same way. I hoped that when they parted ways with me, they would do it with my lessons and their high spirits. Rose, Troy, and Ryan weren’t the people I’d spent the absolute most time with in this world, but they’d left some of the strongest impressions on me. I truly wished them nothing but the best.

As time passed and my thoughts drifted, I found myself opening the ARI.

I hadn’t wanted to bother with the interface too much, but I didn’t really feel like building the dungeon or reading right now, so taking a look at the rating system was pretty much the only thing I had left to kill time.

The ARI was remarkably well built, I had to admit once again. For being an external modification to the interface, it was really good at pretending to be part of the Will of the Goddess. If not for the fact that it was clearly marked with the Alder Corporation’s logos in places, I could’ve believed that the goddess had decided to implement some form of social media into her beloved interface.

Popular Adventures

1. Dungeon of Horrors

2. Lost Emperor’s Tomb

3. Abyssal Retrieval

4. Skyship Dungeon

5. Hunt for the Kraken

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Trending Adventures

1. Oaths of Heresy

2. <ERROR>

3. Mechromancer Rises

4. Order of the Knights Apocalyptica

5. End of Magic: Song of the Antimage

6. Portal Break

7. Slayer Technique: Cutting Edge

[View more]

Top Reviews

1. Undead pirates, high risk + high reward? (Skyship Dungeon)

2. Excellent dungeon with some flaws (Oaths of Heresy)

3. go and try it out (Order of the Knights Apocalyptica)

4. Helpful dungeonbound! (Ketz Dungeon (Currently Unnamed))

5. Great for beginners. (Dungeon of Horrors)

[View more]

Best Adventures

1. Repetition

2. Mansion of the Mighty Mage

3. Dungeon of Horrors

[View more]

I blinked, rereading the ‘Top Reviews’ section of the page. That was me up there, wasn’t it? The unnamed dungeon in Ketz? As far as I knew, there were no other dungeons in this area that were named like that. Huh.

A warm feeling that was half excitement and half nervousness sprouted in my chest. This page had a number of adventures that I actually recognized, household names that any adventure would know, and even if it wasn’t directly me that was there among them, my dungeon was still there.

Adventures in this world were a touch odd, I knew—there were adventures that were unplanned, cases in which wandering monsters threatened lives or a batch of magical bandits made off with something important. I’d imagine those weren’t given names on the ARI, given that those didn’t really tend to be something one could replicate.

On the other hand, there were adventures like me. Dungeons. From my readings, I’d learned that there were a number of them that weren’t actually considered dungeons anymore—they were cyclic and had clear win conditions just like normally dungeons, but they didn’t stem from a dungeon core and they weren’t enclosed, instead originating from a portal or a creature or any magical phenomenon that could keep its mana up for a long time. Those were rarer, though, which explained the bias towards dungeons in the ARI.

It was kind of surreal to be have my dungeon’s not-name up there with those big names, but I recognized that I was still a long way from matching any of those dungeons. Hell, I’d gone through the Dungeon of Horrors for my first dungeon. The Guild policy for adventurers in the area I’d worked in had been to send them through a level or two of that dungeon in order to get them acquainted with adventuring, and it had worked—well, for a certain value of ‘worked’, given that we’d had to give up half the rewards from the dungeon to heal ourselves afterwards.

Then again, that had also been part of the Guild’s deal. They provided the resources for adventurers to make it through and (hopefully) survive a dungeon, and then they claimed their share of the rewards when said adventurers came out.

Of course, the Alder Corporation benefited from this too. I had known that they worked with the Guild, but I hadn’t realized the extent to which their influence reached until now. It did seem odd to me that they were essentially gamifying adventuring when the process often involved harrowing life-or-death situations, but I supposed gaining money and influence was a good enough motivator for them.

I dismissed the interface. It would be nice to get a high position there, yes, but I had to remember that I was doing this for the adventurers and for myself. There was no point in stressing out in stats that didn’t directly affect who I was, and I knew all too well the negativity that could overtake me if I delved too deeply into them.

For the time being, I would read, build, and wait.

With a wave of my hands, I [Replicate]d a bowl of fruit and brought a particularly interesting book on the intricacies of the kingdom’s historical feud with the southern countries.

Not a bad way to spend my time.


I’d been engrossed in my book for nearly three hours when another person’s arrival startled me out of it.

Well, not entirely engrossed. In the back of my human-core mind meld, I’d still been sprucing myself up, clearing off rough edges from parts of the dungeon design and resetting all the rooms to clear all the snake blood and destroyed bits, but I didn’t really count that part. I still considered myself more human than not, so the part that mattered most had been stuck in that book.

The new presence was more than enough to kick me out of it, especially when I saw who it was.

Two figures. Both men, both of them wearing similar armor. I recognized only one.


He was [Haste]d with an [Agility Boost] activated, I saw, and he was practically carrying the other man. It took me half a second to figure out why.

The unnamed man—an [Elite Knight], I saw—had a massive gash in his armor splitting the heavy plate apart from left shoulder to right hip. He was practically covered in his own blood, his armor stained with the fluid. A quick use of [Triage] as I sprinted towards them revealed that he wasn’t quite dead yet, but he was rapidly approaching that state.

I arrived in the safe room in a matter of moments, utilizing [Reshape] to force the very ground to push me forward, and Ryan stumbled back in surprise, almost causing the man leaning on him to fall.

“What happened?” I asked, casting a [Spare the Dying] as quickly as I could. It wouldn’t save the man immediately, but it was something. “Lay him down on the ground.”

“Dungeon break,” Ryan said, his voice tight. He was holding back emotions, I could tell, but whether that was sorrow or anger behind that tightness was a mystery to me. “Not close enough to threaten Ketz immediately. Five miles out, perhaps. An elder from the order caught wind of it and realized that it was on track to trample a remote village.”

“So you were deployed,” I said, redoubling the [Spare the Dying]. There was something in the wound that was making my healing effect take slower. I tossed an [Antivenom] into it, but it didn’t get any faster.

“Please heal him,” Ryan said instead of replying. “The wound was small at first, but it started growing over the course of the fight, and it got even worse afterwards.”

“I’m trying,” I said, kneeling down next to the dying man. “I can heal and talk at the same time. Explain to me what happened. Did you not have healers on hand? What attacked him?”

“The order’s healer was on leave,” Ryan said. “She was too far to reach, so the only healer we had today was an [Acolyte]. He didn’t know what to do.”

“Right,” I said absentmindedly, focusing on the healing. There was some kind of magical effect inhibiting the healing. It wasn’t stopping it entirely, but it was irritating.

[Remove Affliction] didn’t do the trick, so I threw a [Remove Greater Affliction] at it. It took a bite out of my mana reserves, but this man was dying. This was necessary.

“The break was a single monster,” Ryan said. “The dungeon hadn’t been cleared in far too long, and so its boss was able to breach its boundaries. It was a [Displacer], I think.”

I frowned. I’d done my fair share of research on monsters in this world, and [Displacer]s were definitely on the upper end of what should be in a dungeon. “How did a dungeon in such a low-activity area pop out one of those?”

“It was a lesser one,” Ryan said. “But it was effective enough to hit him with something, and we were being forced back. The last I saw, the local Guild joined in the fight, but they didn’t have enough people. Is he okay?”

[Displacer]s had a nasty effect to their damaging attacks, I knew. [Displacing Strikes] was a passive ability that functionally shunted its victim’s flesh and blood into a hundred different planes of existence, which made it a lot harder to heal.

I was going to have to get creative.

As I started to figure out what combination of spells I could use to properly heal the [Elite Knight], a thought struck me.

“Hold on,” I said. “You said you fought a [Displacer]?”

“Or something similar. That’s what Jion here said it was.”

“Fuck,” I said. “Did you get marked?“


I delved into my senses a little deeper, focusing both my dungeon and healer senses on Ryan instead of Jion the [Elite Knight], and I saw it.

“Draw your weapon!” I shouted.

To his credit, Ryan prepared his magical blade before he spoke. “Why?”

“Even a lesser [Displacer] has—“

[Displace], the air screamed, and the scenery of the supposedly safe room changed, hard rock becoming trampled grass as a monster brought the battlefield to us.

Fuck me.


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