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This was, to put it lightly, a suboptimal situation. The [Astral Monk] vastly outclassed me in firepower and mobility both—there was going to be no trapping her in a hole and then dropping a rock on her like I’d done with the earlier Kingsguard. If I put her in a hole, she’d make her way out of it before I could blink. Drop a rock on her? The cave would break before her defenses did.

I tried anyway. I tried a lot of things at the same time, both with my dungeon half and my human half. First, I severed a chunk of rock from the ceiling, large enough to annihilate any normal human being’s skull but probably not enough to even put a dent in Sarah’s skull. Along with that, I dropped the ground open beneath her feet—it wouldn’t be enough to force her into a neverending fall, my abilities were far too weak for that right now, but it’d be enough to make her miss half a step, at least. To the same end, I activated a [Create Water] above her head.

That was it in terms of offense. The rest of my action had to be devoted to minimizing the damage. That meant forming walls of stone in front of the [Life Cleric], whose limp body lay between me and the [Astral Monk]. They weren’t going to be very thick or pretty, but any defense at all was better than none.

As for my human half, there was only one action I could take. Kira was going to die if she got hit by even the aftershock of the next strike, and I couldn’t let that happen.

A [Rejuvenating Pulse] was enough of a jumping off point for me to cast a [Multiplicative Heal]. Up until this point, one or two healing spells had been enough for me to fully heal up anyone that needed it, but Kira was above level 20. It took more to injure her, but it took more to heal her as well.

I had to add on a second [Rejuvenating Pulse] and a pair of [Healing Stream]s before she snapped awake with half a scream, rising to a kneeling position nearly immediately.

Unfortunately for her, she woke straight into the [Astral Monk]’s strike. It had cost me precious time to set up the obstructions, and our enemy had managed to initiate a [Planar Cannon] in her fists again by the time I’d gotten Kira awake.

For a moment, I saw Rose where Sarah was, saw the potential that those three adventurers had to grow into the world-shaking powers that these four were.

I shook my head, snapping myself out of it, and watched as Sarah’s reality-breaking fists tore through the stone like it wasn’t even there. The [Astral Monk] herself didn’t seem to give a damn that there was half a ton of rock falling on her head at the moment, nor did she care about the hundreds of gallons of water that engulfed her.

Granted, the fact that it turned to steam on contact with her skin probably had something to do with that.

“Sorry about this,” I muttered, and I ducked, hiding my lithe frame behind Kira’s bulky armor.

The spells that had torn away the ground had made it so that I was at the center of what was essentially a shallow pit. Kira was just a little above me, and the [Astral Monk] was a bit further than that, so we lined up in just a way that I could take cover behind the [Life Cleric].

A beat passed, and then I weighed a million pounds, my body smashing into the ground like the goddess herself had willed it. I dulled the pain, [Divine Healer] working its magic, and I smiled.

I’m still alive.

[Divine Healer]’s variety of effects included the benefit that I healed myself a little when I healed someone else—essentially, I could heal myself for free so long as I had someone else to heal first, which was quite literally a godsend in a world where self-healing spells were few and far between.

First things first. I couldn’t see through my eyes anymore—there was a fair chance they’d been smashed to pieces in the impact—but I could see through my dungeon senses, and I could tell that the impact of Kira’s armored body against mine had forced us at least six feet deeper into the rock. A devastating blow, for sure, but it hadn’t directly hit me and that had been enough for my goddess-granted skill to keep me alive. Not for the first time, I silently thanked her.

As for the [Life Cleric], though…

I cast another [Triage], painfully aware of the fact that the [Astral Monk] was no more than ten feet away from us. A [Stormshot] took her attention away, though, and I added Charles the [Storm Sniper] to my growing list of people who’d saved my life.

[Subject no longer possesses a heart.]

Wait, what?

A glance through my dungeon senses revealed that it was true. The [Planar Cannon] had punctured straight through her chest, leaving a bloody dent nearly six inches wide and three inches deep, the edges of it still crackling with astral mana.

[Subject is suffering from multiple severe concussions.]

[Subject is suffering from extreme blood loss.]

[List shortened for brevity.]

[Subject is dying.]

No shit.

It didn’t feel like I had enough spells. [Divine Healer] granted me access to a lot of them, but I still had to earn them, and being in a dungeon hadn’t been quite conducive to that.

I would have to hope that what I had was enough.

[Spare the Dying], I called, and the interface’s notifications started to slip away one by one.

On the other side of the room, the [Sorlockadin Ranger] took a glancing hit, a piece of his armor crumpling into nothingness against yet another [Planar Cannon] punch.

Focus, Lucas.

[Spare the Dying] was a deceptively powerful spell. It prevented those that were near death from fully crossing the threshold, and it ensured that they stayed stable. In those who had taken great damage but weren’t quite dead yet—like Kira was—it could do a lot.

As I watched through the dungeon, a new heart spun itself out of mana and flesh to take the place of the destroyed one. Skin knit itself together and blood vessels repaired themselves, ensuring that the [Life Cleric] would survive the day if she didn’t get hit.

Not getting hit was an impossibility at this point, so I kept healing. The [Rejuvenating Pulse] and [Multiplicative Heal] combination proved its worth once again, restoring her from barely stable to almost conscious, though it did nothing for the armor and nothing for the blood that practically coated the both of us right now.

As I healed her, I felt [Divine Healer] take effect, the world coming into focus once again as my own eyes restored themselves and I put our bodies back together piece by painstaking piece.

It was dark when I opened my eyes, and it took me a disoriented moment to realize that that was because I was being buried alive by the immobile [Life Cleric].

Before I could do anything about it, a screeching [Shattering Blow] managed to slip past the [Sorlockadin Ranger]’s defenses. It wasn’t nearly as powerful as the [Planar Cannon], I could tell, but the hit was solid enough to shoot him backwards into a wall. A quick [Triage] revealed that he was fine, but it was created enough space for the [Astral Monk] to disengage from that fight and come towards her original target.


I dulled my senses again, watching the blow connect through my dungeon half instead of my beaten and battered body. This time, the strike was little more than raw power and a little mana. Had she run out of [Planar Cannon]s? I assumed so.

At least she has limitations.

The stray thought about limitations brought Rose to mind again. She’d showed a remarkable lack of those limitations. With time and practice and the right mentorship—with my mentorship, I found myself thinking—they could become as great as these threats.

But that was a thought for later. For now, I had to contend with the fact that I was overwhelmingly outclassed. I’d intellectually known how out of my league I was when the inspection squad had come here, but experiencing it in practice was pounding that nail in hard.

Sarah attacked.

One strike, two strikes, three strikes, four, and Kira was in danger of losing her life again.

I cast another [Spare the Dying], following it up with more [Healing Stream]s and mixing it up with some [Lesser True Heal]s.

For the first time, I realized that my mana was running low.

Fuck. That was really bad, to say the least. If I ran out now, I was fully fucked. Literally the only reason I was alive was because I had enough mana to heal Kira to… use her as a meatshield really didn’t sound good, but I had to admit it was essentially what I was doing. Once I ran out of heals, both her and I would be as good as dead.

Sarah paused for a brief moment between strikes, long enough to give me the opportunity to try dropping the ceiling on her.

I had taken some time to weaken the connections in the ceiling, but it wasn’t too hard to get the entire ceiling to fall. After all, I was a dungeon, and as far as I could tell, there was a fair amount of mountain above our heads that I could borrow rock from to drop. I loosened enough to bury half the room, heedless of the damage it would cause to my own setup but ensuring that I wouldn’t accidentally squash Charles or the min-maxer.

Rocks fell, but nobody died.

She didn’t even bother to dodge, letting the boulders simply shatter upon meeting one of her fists. In the meantime, she prepared another spell within her other hand, one that I was quickly beginning to perceive as a [Planeshifting Punch], the interface’s interpretation of a [Planeshift] spell turned into a striking weapon.

I didn’t know if that was going to kill Kira, but it certainly was going to take either her or me out of the fight. Furthermore, if that [Planeshift] took its target to an uninhabitable plane—the Plane of Fire, for instance—that was functionally a kill anyway.

Things were looking bad. The only silver lining in this storm cloud was that she had taken the hits, albeit with little to no effect, and that had granted me enough mana to push in a few more heals.

It was barely enough. As the debris of my failed attack fell to the ground around us, I felt the final [Lesser True Heal] and [Multiplicative Heal] flow into Kira, exhausting me of all but the very last droplets of my mana, and she moved.

With much as she’d been beat up and tossed around this fight, I’d almost forgotten that Kira was ridiculously powerful. On some level, I’d assigned her the role of the damsel in distress, but she immediately set out to proving that wrong.

Kira swung out with her fists, and Kira reacted. In the blink of an eye, she cast a [Greater Counterspell], a messy, complex spell that I knew for a fact was orders of magnitude beyond what I could achieve. Even with the benefits of [Divine Healer], I probably wouldn’t have a shot at obtaining this spell for a good decade or two.

On top of that, this was supposed to be a spell that took preparation. Having a ritual focus on hand, having the groundwork for it laid already so the rest of it could be cast when needed, not being in a situation in which you woke from near-death a single heartbeat ago… the normal stuff, really.

Not that Kira cared.

The [Life Cleric]’s hands flew through the air faster than a human eye could track, weaving a fractal pattern out of bright blue mana that hurt my head to even look at, and the [Planeshifting Punch] fell apart.

Holy shit. I want to teach someone to do that someday.

Unfortunately, as impressive as the [Greater Counterspell] was, all it did was remove the instant win button from the attack. The punch was still a punch from a level 22 [Astral Monk], magic or no.

And then she jerked back, a burst of mana forcing her into the air.

Wait. I recognized that pattern of mana. As I watched—no, as I listened—another [Song of Displacement] took effect, somehow breaking through the defenses of an adventurer ten times the level of the caster, and the [Astral Monk] hit the rock at the ceiling of the dungeon.

At the edge of my perception, three figures entered the dungeon.


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