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Thank you for all your support this year. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and how much it literally supports me to enable me to carry on working full-time on making the games I love.

This year was my first year of mostly working with Choice of Games. There was some other contract work, but CoG was the main thing going on. I was nervous going in, and it's been more successful than I could have possibly hoped even in an awful year for the field of games at large. And I've written... so much. What I did on Honor Bound, the tail-end of the Royal Affairs beta back in January, and the Royal Affairs epilogue alone was over 330,000 words, and I can't easily count up what I did on Elite Status. It's been a huge year!

  • Creme de la Creme and Blood Money now both have hints and cheats to help you find the obscure paths you really want;
  • Creme de la Creme, Blood Money, and Noblesse Oblige now all have save and restore points (so do Elite Status and Royal Affairs, but they had it from launch);
  • Elite Status: Platinum Concierge, for which I wrote and edited additional content, came out after being dormant for many years;
  • King of the Castle, the brilliant medieval monarch multiplayer game I worked on last year, came out and got 4 stars in NME;
  • I started and wrote seven chapters of Honor Bound which has been a total treasure to work on, and I've been learning huge amounts from it and falling in love with the setting and characters;
  • and of course Royal Affairs, having been in progress for three years, came out into the world. I'm absolutely overwhelmed by all the love: it was such a long journey, through such tumultuous times personally and historically, but making Royal Affairs was a joy and I was so overjoyed to be able to finally share it. I've really enjoyed revisiting the characters for the expanded epilogue that's coming soon in 2024, and I hope you do too!

Thank you for everything. Good luck for the coming year!



We've loved everything this year, your talent in bringing your work to life always astounds us, keep up the great work. I also want to mention that your dedication and creativity, has inspired me to put more time and effort in my work (i study games design) Happy new year 🎉 we hope to see more of you delightful novels in the next.


That's so incredibly kind, thank you so much. I hope your studies go fantastically in the new year!