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This fortnight I finished my draft of Chapter 2 and started planning and coding Chapter 3. Here is a song from my writing playlist that I've been listening to!

Chapter 3 is turning into an absolute beast. I keep saying this, but each chapter I make is turning out larger than I expected... I'm nearly at the end of coding it and it's already nearly 10,000 words just with code and placeholders! I hope the next newsflash will include me being triumphant about the code being done.

Current wordcount: 105998

Fortnightly wordcount increase: 18050

Average playthrough wordcount: 29296

Behind the scenes:

I am wrapping up work on Platinum Package this week, which I've been doing additional content and edits for. I've spent a few months on this project so I'm pleased that it's getting towards the end!

Sneak peek:

From Chapter 2:

As is usual when the weather allows, the archway is left open to symbolize that all are welcome—and, on a practical level, to allow parents with rowdy babies to leave, or latecomers to slip in more easily. Sunlight sparkles down through the glass roof, while the breeze from the door and open windows stops things from feeling overheated. But the church is nearly full now.
The hubbub of voices begins to settle as Savarel rises to the pulpit, dressed in layered blue linen robes. $!{sav_their} blue fern pendant, the symbol of the Church of Teran, glitters on ${sav_their} chest.

My favourite bit:

Related to the above excerpt, I've been enjoying fleshing out the religion of Teran. Westerlin and Zaledo don't have widespread organised religion in the same way, and I really like showing the similarities of the Church of Teran and the Church of Jezhan as seen in Noblesse Oblige. It's helping me feel like the world is a connected one, which is a great feeling to have.



Exited to read more about the religions