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This week was brilliant because I finished the first Honor Bound draft, and also challenging because everyone in my household except me had various stomach bugs. So it was a tiring one for a number of reasons.

I've done a bunch of playtesting, and my wife played through the whole game which was immensely helpful and flagged up a lot of things I hadn't realised.

She is a big Savarel fan:

She also discovered that if you play an emotionally-repressed enough character and then start a romance with Savarel at the last possible point, there was a bug where the game mostly didn't recognise that there was a romance at all. It also turned out that this happened for the other solo-romanceable characters too.

There was also a scene that just... stopped on most branches because I'd forgotten to fill out the rest of those branches. And a starting-a-romance scene that broke off and didn't really finish too. Not my finest hour.

However, she had lots of good things to say about it which was incredibly helpful as well.

So, I've been editing, finalising the saving system I'm using, and also doing the cheats, hints, and achievement guide that will be available as an IAP (the same way the other Creme games and Blood Money have them).

Sunday: 2537

Monday: 5312 (which was when I finished the first draft!)

Tuesday: 796 (playtesting revisions)

Wednesday: 1500 (playtesting revisions)

Thursday-Saturday: 1990 (playtesting revisions, plus 6557 on the cheats/hints/guides)

Sunday: 559 (playtesting revisions)

Current wordcount: 529995 words

Average playthrough wordcount: 93653 words

Week's wordcount: 12694 words

I've still got some revisions to do - the biggest one is related to one of the branches of the climax which I need to change a bit, and also fleshing out some conversations with friends and loved ones about making plans for the future (as my wife said, it felt weird to make a big decision about your plans without chatting with a partner about them, which is totally true!).

But I'm hoping to get all that done sometime next week.


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