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I brought this image for you today, I'm very slow with the posts, but I'm not stopping, I just wasn't liking the results of my last works, so I decided to review everything I've done so far, effects, lighting, images that were successful, characters, and so I'm adjusting everything, I'm sorry for the delay in posting content, I hope you understand, creating content is not just creating, I also need to adjust several things, including scripts for animations and images, I always create unique scenarios made by me, so this takes some time.

I realized that in the past I posted more things, but at that time I also didn't understand much about reflections and lighting, now as it takes me longer to adjust these things, I end up taking longer, but this will lessen over time.

Setting up a project is kind of standard, but I always take my time putting up the lights, I think that's the part that takes me the longest to finish.

In this image I can now show you what the lighting of my work will be like from now on, I hope you enjoy it.

Have a good weekend to all of you, with love, Nillin.

In the picture:     Morgana on Right and Gwen on Left



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