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Are you guys enjoying the work sent directly or do you prefer the old fashioned way?

The only problem with the old way was the abusive theft of my works, there were days when I would post, minutes later it was already available for free on another site, and that was frustrating as hell.



You can also make a mega folder that renews the link every week to avoid asking for it in the comments, although in this way you completely avoid having your products stolen.

Juan Saravi

no one deserves to see these heavenly pixels only us >:(


I felt really bad one day when I went to sleep, I woke up and my work had been posted right after I published it here on Patreon, so for 8 hours it was available for free, so I decided to take drastic measures.

Juan Saravi

At least for my part I will continue to support you even if everyone hates you, even if I am your only follower <3. people are selfish and it is too noticeable that there is a lot of work behind those animations. Cheer up, you will always have our support :3


Thank you very much and yes, making the images and animations takes a lot of time and work. The animation depending on the complexity I finish in 2-5 days. Scenery I do in 1 day, I use textures that I create myself and place on cubes or other objects. The sound effects if it's a 4 minute animation like the last one I take 2 days to do. To create a character from 0, it takes me 1 day, because the tool I use Honey Select helps a lot, if I had to model everything i would be chipped. Images allow me a little more freedom, as I can use paneled backgrounds, and lately it's been fun to work with paneled backgrounds.


Taking 1 week or more to finish a job to see it stolen in minutes is very frustrating, my biggest frustration is when I put myself in the shoes of you who spend money to see my work and it is completely leaked, so I'll give I do my best to maintain exclusivity for as long as possible.

Juan Saravi

It's obvious that you have to do something. It's horrible to throw away 5 days of work. Ask who makes the sounds?


The groans I get some from a library, then I edit them in Adobe Premiere, some effects like reverb, and distance effect I do there. Collision and scenery sound effects I got from the internet, extracted the voices and also modified them in Adobe Premiere. In the future I want to see if I make a mini studio to create my own sound effects.

Juan Saravi

ummm one more question in case someone enters here as a new subscriber and wants to see an example of the new image of lux nude and let's suppose that 2 months have passed What would you do in those cases?


I'm adopting the idea I was told to create a folder on Mega, so I'll put all my work in that link and change the password periodically.


Hey mate since i told you some months ago to do something different you finally did it and it works perfectly keep up the good work and like Juan said no one deserves to see your fine art for free. You can always count on me if you got any questions ask me, if you need more help in dc Management you can also ask me i will always help my friends if they need help


well i originally joined for the animations lol but they are hard to find on the patreon


I intend to soon put them all in a Mega folder and make them available to patreons in a single link.


I am a foreigner who does not speak English, so please understand that the sentence is a little awkward. To be honest, I'm more comfortable and satisfied with the way I uploaded before, but I think the most important thing is the creator's profit and safety. If you look at Mr. Nillin's works, you can see that there are free materials available just by Googling, and you can see that Nillin's materials are occasionally uploaded on the p2p site in the country where I live. Of course, it would be nice to read the material for free, but I think it should be paid for in order to consume it. I, too, have legitimately paid money to see Nillin's works, and I think I should continue to do so. In order for not only me but also people to see the works of creators, I think it is right that creators should pay for the goods they want. So even if it's a little more uncomfortable than before, I respect Mr. Nillin's thoughts However, it seems that it is not user-friendly in terms of convenience to receive the data one by one as links. Therefore, it seems that these points need to be improved to some extent.


First I would like to say that I loved your comment, your point of view is great, and I even pay someone to post many of my things for free, with time my content ends up becoming accessible to everyone. However, the problem was that here on patreon I sell exclusivity, in this case, those who pay can see my work first and of course, with advantages, such as images for example, I try to post more variations of images here, while for free I post nudity, but with less angles, I think you deserve these benefits. I just changed the way I post because like I said, there was a lot of abuse going on where almost instantly my work was leaked to sites like Kemono and it kind of leaves me feeling like a gun to my head, at any moment all my patreons can disappear, and I have to stop doing what I do because of my negligence, so I decided to work a little harder, creating a way to post that is a little more complex, but safe, so that all of you can have its advantages I consider fair.