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Again I beat the record for delays, and this makes me very dissatisfied with myself, the problem is in the accidents, when I create an animation, because of the software I use, problems sometimes arise, and these problems take hours to be solved , for example: I finish all the animation and close the software to go to sleep, when I wake up and load the animation I made, it has some problem that made it completely full of BUGs, so I have to recreate it from the beginning again .

Other than the problems, it has my creative block, I think some don't know, but I create the scenarios all from scratch, most of the time I even create objects using geometric shapes, I download textures, and the textures need depth effects , so I create them in photohop too, and sometimes the ideas just don't come.

There were also the characters that I managed to create, but despite being presentable, I intend to update their details, as I do with all my girls to this day.

This month I want to try something new, I want to try simpler scenarios, with the sexy girls posing for photos, the focus will be on the girls and not the scenario, something similar to the DazStudio renders, I want to do this to increase the amount of content I bring and if you like it, I'll be able to bring up to 1 work per day.

This month was very strange for me, I feel like I couldn't bring even half of the content I wanted, and I don't want to be anxious about it either, I'll just stop worrying about it and try to improve my posting frequency, to make things livelier here.

Apart from all these problems and discoveries, I managed to evolve some techniques, and I also had a lot of fun with you guys who are wonderful with your feedback and jokes on discord, you all are wonderful.

Let's start this month with ''Ready to Shock' as Zeri says.

I love you, until the next report o/




Thank you for your hard work!!