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Hello all! As promised, here's the Ranni sequence! And it's more preggo stuff for you round belly lovers! Anyway, as we all know, Ranni’s body is just a porcelain doll made after the image of her mentor. But as we also know, she just happens to be a powerful sorceress. I wonder what would happen if she used her magic to make her body more... “alive”? Surely no unexpected side effects could come from this 👀  

I hope you enjoy the read! There's more stuff to come in the future, including a short comeback to the story of Blissful Sandy Beach (and maybe more, we'll see) so stay tuned! Love you all! 💕




I just noticed I forgot to remove the bottom right "watermark" (if you can call it that) from the pictures for the Patreon post. I'll leave them on for now since it's less effort for me lol, but if it bothers anyone, please let me know and I'll remove them! Thank you for your understanding!

Zekava Adre

Gorgeous! Something about the caress of four arms instead of two... it befits a goddess, does it not? Though, perhaps being a *fertility* goddess was unexpected! Were the double-rack of breasts too much for the sequence? I can imagine this was challenging enough as it is!


Oh yeah, the double rack would probably prove too much, it's already hard to get good results with so many parameters to take in account lol