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Reminder that the poll will end soon! Get your vote in while you can~

Since the first chapter of "Feline In Heat" is coming to an end, it's time to pick the next thing that I should work on!~

The 1st page of the next choice will be posted on the 7th of June~

so here are the choices

First choice is:

"Watch Your Tongue"

This comic was inspired by an idea I drew called "Boxed Bitch" where Remy has been stuffed inside a box to be punished by Cain for his rude remarks~ Not that he particularly minds, he's just a tsundere about it~

Second choice:

"Art Assistant"

It's about Tiki who has found himself in a bit of a pickle, his tablet got a very scratched up surface making it impossible to draw on, so he asked for Remy's assistance with his broken tablet! Hopefully he can help him out~

Third choice:

"Feline In Heat"'s next chapter "Photo Booth"

Xerxes finds himself hot and bothered, but Layton doesn't have time for it since he's fallen behind with work, so he's sending him off to Celeste, wonder who Celeste is and what she'll do with him~


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