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Finally, the day arrived, and besides being really grateful to all of you with me on such a special day, turning 23 years old, made me reflect on some things about what has been in my life these last years...

To be able to be here and live from what I love, and that every day I strive to achieve more, does nothing but make me feel really grateful to all those who were, are and will be with me...

In a path that, since I took it, I knew it would not be easy, and although much of the effort had to come only from my part, I know that I would not be here without the help of many people who helped me and who are still with me, really very grateful to them too...

And to have had the maturity and will to be able to walk away from people who did not contribute anything good in my life and who would only spit on the helping hand that I gave them, for everything that happened and will happen, really thank you all very much!




Happy birthday day!!

Bev Bressette

Happy birthday mate!!!