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Hey my Familiars, so I'm very sorry to say this yet again but there is going to be a delay in patreon rewards. I have been sick the past three days. A series of coughs, a slight fever, aches and pains. I'm just starting to get over it, however it has impeded my ability to work. 

In addition to my physical health, I've been stressing over a number of things as mentioned in my previous update post. And on top of trying to finish these pieces I planned on rolling out a new patron tier and I wanted to make an extra piece for that tier. As stated in a previous update I wanted to make a mini-comic. However, again, due to my physical and mental health I was slowed down considerably. 

I deeply apologize for these delays, I was very sure I could finish these before the month ended however I never anticipated my health to take a sudden turn. As said before I am starting to feel better and I will do what I can to finish these pieces and release them as soon as I can. I only ask for your patience. Please know your support is immensely appreciated. 

Thank you for understanding, support and patience, 

Love you my Familiars! 



Hope things turn around for you! Feel better soon!