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Hello my Familiars, I'm sorry for another delay however I've been sick since Saturday. When my parents returned from their trip they were sick as well and they accidentally passed it onto me. It's seemed to have been a very nasty fever. I'm doing much better now aside from a few aches and pains and an annoying cough. 

In addition, my internet isn't working. I wasn't cut off, it's just there was an error when  I requested to have my landline and cable to be disconnected. I was told I didn't need them anymore. My ISP said it should be ok however my internet was not working. I tried calling back but we were in the middle of a rolling black out. They occure when the power company is doing repairs. So my ISP couldn't help us while the power was off. And even with the power back the internet is still gone. I gotta talk to them tomorrow because they're tech support closes after a certain time. All that while I was trying to get back to work.

Atm I am using my mobile data to type this out.

Again I'm sorry everyone but rewards will be  delayed again. But I will keep you updated and share wips and progress. Once I get my internet back and have fully recovered.

I thank you for your continued support. I hope you will continue to bare with me and I will try my best to deliver. 

Thank you my Familiars 


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