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Forgive me yet again my patrons, I've been trying to come up with new ideas for Patreon rewards lately and I've been trying to catch up with my backlog of commissions. Further more due to other commitments outside of art and trying to prepare for my birthday/1k followers/one year anniversary stream celebration, time got away from me. However that's all still no excuse to delay and I should have managed my time better. The base of the patreon rewards are done they just need their "tools" and the "special sauce" in order for them to be done. I will get these finished within the week my friends and your patience is appreciated.

I hope you all understand and thank you all for supporting me. 



Crimson Cyclo

You’ve been keeping quite active on the art front, so it’s not a worry at all! I wish you all the best with your birthday preparations! 🙏🏻♥️