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Someone made a Zoroark design/character for me, so I decided to sketch something up of her.

I accidentally made a very anime-screenshot image with the shading. I like it haha.

Her name is Minaris, she's meant to be in the PMD universe, hence the explorer bag she's carrying.

She's going to be in the same line as Sonia where they're not going to be as developed compared to Dua and Doggette, more like designs to draw for fun and variety art pieces. (I don't have the capacity to juggle and develop every design or character to their full potential). Sonia is great practice for the striking black/yellow colors, and Minaris is great practice for the purple/violet and floral aesthetic.

Public release: 27 Oct 2022




The flowers in the "hair" are a nice touch. :)


She looks gorgeous. 💖💕