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Inspired by something in the discord lol

Fun Facts:

- Arana A eventually escapes the lab, though I never actually decided what happens to them after that.

- Arana A and B have living parents. They have no idea what's going on with their kid. Arana C outlived theirs.

- Arana C has a gaggle of hyperintelligent immortal goldfish that they take care of. They were originally normal goldfish, but due to exposure to the Substance they gained sapience. 

- Arana C pilots a Balor. This may change because I keep getting shitty structure rolls u_u

- Arana A is friends with an assassin who overused experimental performance enhancing drugs and ended up getting studied in the same lab as them.

- The artifact Arana B is holding is basically a canister filled with the same goo that comprises their body. It usually functions as a fluid weapon that can change shape rapidly and harden on command.

- All Aranas use they/them pronouns. 




is latex the common thread that unites all aranas o3o