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Y Prismata

Basic Info:

Age: 22

Gender: ???

Height: 5'11"


  • Original:

    • For years Y lived quietly in a remote village with their adoptive parent. Y was vaguely aware that their parent had "found" them somewhere, but they were content enough with their life that they didn't ever care to ask about their origins. The world was recovering from a great catastrophe, nature had responded by adapting in strange and interesting ways, and there were creatures to be observed and studied.

    • Unfortunately fate was not kind enough to leave Y alone.

    • One day a cult rolled into town to proselytize. This cult, dedicated to the dragon god that caused the apocalypse, happened to be inextricably linked to Y and their parent. Namely that the parent used to be a higher up in the cult and Y was a child created using the dragon god's remains. Y's parent stole them from the cult's clutches many years prior and ran away to the village, sealing Y's power while they were at it. They then raised Y as a normal kid.

    • After a cult member made a speech in the village square, they exposed the audience to an artifact relating to the dragon god. This made Y feel strange, and they ended up heading home- citing sickness to anyone concerned about them. When they arrived home they began to undergo a strange transformation. Their hair turned white, and they grew horns and a feathered dragon-like tail. When their parent returned home after them, they were incredibly worried to say the least.

    • After Y had calmed down a bit, their parent explained everything.

    • Y had to leave. Their parent knew that. If it was discovered the village had been harboring Y, there would definitely be consequences- for both Y and the village. But over the years they'd been together, they'd come to care for Y. They didn't want to send them away. They could, of course, go together, but Y's parent wasn't the youngest anymore. They worried they'd only slow Y down.

    • In the end, Y did end up leaving. Neither they nor their parent wanted to part, but both decided it was for the best....

  • For RP purposes:

    • Really the only difference between default Y and rp Y is that rp Y hasn't awakened their full dragon powers yet and they got dragged into an interdimensional nexus while running from the cult. This is kind of a footnote lol


  • Y is an amateur naturalist and absolutely loves learning about different kinds of plants and animals.

  • Even before transforming their eyes were a weird red and teal color.

  • Since the nature of the dragon god was chaos, Y has an odd transformational mechanic. They can shapeshift, but if they spend too long in a form other than one of their defaults they'll eventually 'rebound' and turn into something random. 


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