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So thanks to the previous poll results, we now know that Carmina Cooking, Tourmaline Paizuri and a Cramped Madeline are going to make it as drawings for at least toward the end of this month. As I am still balancing all of this with the game I am working on, I am just going to say that these polls and their drawings are not strictly "for the month" and are better thought of as drawings to be seen done, typically in the month or finished around the start of the next.

I got additional drawings on the way as well! More Lio Fotia, some Phaedras and much more!
Animations are still a thing too, I just got to find the time to finish my Caleb animation before I start on anymore.

I am nearly done writing the script for my doujin as well, I just need to apply some finishing touches and tighten a few scenes up and I will then start thumbnailing it!

As I said before, you guys get to see each successive page as it is finished, but the public has to wait for it to be finished.

Wanted to keep you guys up to speed on what is going, hope you all are having a fantastic new year!


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