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Hello again, boneheads!

I have been busy working away to get you guys that squishy lewd content we all love!

I am currently working on a game as one of the team artists, so published work is going to be crawl. All I will say about the project is that it will have monster girls!

Besides that, I have started work on scripting a porn comic I hope to finish sometime in 2020. The script is going to take a while, I ambitiously want to also get it translated into Japanese after I complete it. I have a few people to translate it, but I can always use more native or fluent speakers to help.

I will post wips, concepts and possibly individual pages here to my patreon, but then will upload the complete, finished comic online for the public.

Lastly, I am again considering polling for my patreons, which you can participate in at a $5 tier.

This will be voting for one particular drawing to be done for the month at least.
I may try and do the runner ups in the polls as well, but I cannot guarantee I get to every single one or do that for each poll, but it will give you guys some choice in the content I make while I am working on what has been mentioned above.
If you have any questions or feedback on this polling idea, please leave a reply to this post.

Anyway, just wanted to get you guys up to speed on what is going on with me,
Hope you guys have a good day!


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