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Hi everyone! Thank you all for your patience.
I've talked about this over my Twitter some time ago, but earlier this month I caught a disease that has been plaguing Argentina called Dengue.

I've... never felt this weak in my life. I'm doing much better now, but weeks ago I was doubled over holding my abdomen having trouble to even breathe...

There were multiple days where I couldn't eat; trying to get food in me made me gag, and later on throw it all out...

But the worst part was the physical weakness I felt. It got to the point where doing measly tasks physically tired me out, and I couldn't even check my phone for too long without my energy being totally depleted.

Moving on however, I'm doing much better now! It feels nothing like before. And I've been able to finally pick up art again. But on that note, I apologize for how dry it's been this month over here. I'm currently working on some art to share before the month is over. But truly, thank you all for being patient with me and for all your support. I hope my upcoming art will make it all worth it!

I hope everyone's had an amazing month of April! Stay safe out there, and stay healthy y'all 🫶



Holy shit, that sounds terrible! You have nothing to apologize for, given the situation you were dealing with. I’m sorry you had to struggle with such a nasty disease and it’s good to hear you are feeling better now!


I'm sorry you had to go through that! I'm glad to hear that you're doing better now. You don't need to feel like you should apologize for being ill; definitely focus on your health!


Thank you!!! ♥♥♥ I'm happy to be pretty much recovered... I'm taking it easy, but also excited to share some new stuff here before the month is over!