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Recently I've been getting some more people interested in the $15 tier, but they're sold out because tbh I would actually overwork myself if I just let that number pile up unchecked. I mean, imagine me drawing at least almost 10 drawings/month? I mean that'd be great for you guys but not so good for me. 

So I'm considering opening a $20 tier, that'll effectively have the same rewards as the $15, but with some minor added benefits. I'm not too sure what that benefit is going to be, but if I'm going to accept more requests, I want to make sure I'm also being compensated for the extra work.

What do you guys think?

Below: Examples of my Patreon sketches that has been made available on Twitter



I laughed when reading "that'd be great for you guys but not so good for me" part. Jokes aside, I think if your schedule permits(As you said time is finite, regardless of how much 'you guys' willing to pay) that would be nice idea.


It depends on what you want from patreon. Not really related to 20$ tier but most artists I follow give benefits of uncensored versions of artworks to attract more lower tier supporters, that’s what people want while not requiring artists to make something entirely new. Just my two cents though


can also provide timelapse of the requests that get done. is easy to do with CSP but also taxing on yer hardware. also think that alts (different outfit or NSFW/uncensored) would also be a good one to add the requests. maybe 1 or 2 alts maximum so its not super overwhelming. sort of just a 'premium' version of the 15$ tier.


so uncensored and alt costumes... i see i see, considering my work pipeline that should be reasonable enough


If there isnt a significant difference between the tiers why not just increase the price of the 15 tier to 20 and open a few more slots? Personally Im fine with paying the extra charge, excpecially if there are extras too


to increase the price on a tier, i'd have to eject everyone from the $15, and who knows maybe there are some who aren't interested in paying the extra 5 dollars, $20 is quite a bit of money