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So I've been a bit quiet about this one because of how long it took for me to finish the first one but I really think this one is going to go by A LOT faster. I've already got all of the pages sketched out I just need to refine and line everything right now.

I'm not 100% on how im going to shade this one but I'm thinking I might try a more simple look and just got for flat shades in order to keep things moving a bit faster. I can already tell that I'm getting better at this since I'm able to draw characters from page to page more consistently. 

The plan is to have this one done and ready to go by the time the first one is done being publicly posted. I might be able to do that but if not I don't think i'll miss the mark by too much.

As for everything else, full color stuff had to take a break for a bit since I got sick and holiday season at work kept me pretty busy but I should have more draw time going forward now. I want to get a few character sketches down and maybe have a poll for what one I fully finish so that might be whats next.

Thanks for reading and as always I'm glad you guys like my stuff enough to hang around.



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