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Ok so usually i’m really formal and nice with my formatting but i’ll shoot straight.

2 things happened this past month. First, I won my case, freeing me from my abuser’s control! Second, I’ve had a consultation for top surgery and well, surgery date is in like, a week or two! So yeah!

in short i have lots of stuff i’m gonna be doing, but like, the agression with which i tackle these tasks will be based on my post-op physical capabilities and recovery rate. The surgery directly affects my pectoral muscles, after all, which are essential for my art process. The tldr is I’ll be doing the  pinup for the month very early, and all the other to-do’s will be done at whatever pace i can physically muster!

the poll for the month is Xenoblade 3 themed, btw!

sorry this is super rough a d not well-formatted. It’ll be a rough and not well-formatted month! LOL

See yall in April!




W! Hope you recover quickly after the surgery! 🤞


I am proud of you for winning the case. That abuser can't hurt you anymore.