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Well. Hi yall…

I have some unfortunate news. At the end of last year, Twitter updated their system for shadowbanning, making it harder to detect, more damaging to your visibility, and permanent. My twitter was effectively bricked by this change, only able to get engagement from potential followers seeing posts on other people’s pages when they retweeted me.

TLDR, its next to impossible for my old twitter to be a sustainable place to grow myself, and I need that stability more than ever after escaping from my family. So…I made a new twitter. (Well, actually two)

https://twitter.com/claraspregs Is the new account. It has the old @, but it is new, so you need to re-follow.

In addition, I now will have a dedicated twitter for posting my pregnancy photos!


(i think this @ is hilarious lool thanks to my gf and Eliza for helping pick it hehe)

It is of the utmost importance that, if you can/want to,  you share these accounts around so I can attenpt to restore my lost following. The new ClarasPregs will be mostly reposting for now, but just think of it as a walk down memory lane, haha. I will be trying to post tum pics daily to ClarasGonnaPop, so if you like that, you can look forward to consistent, new content!

Moving forward, I will no longer post any nudity to my twitter, and that means all nudes are now exclusive to Patreon! (Also I don’t mind bein sexy but I’m not gonna be taking nude pics, so keep that in mind. Haha)

I will also be doing pregnancy cosplay photoshoots, and those will be early access here on patreon, with potential exclusives! I have a lot of cosplays lined up, and I think you’ll like it! (All of these will be at the $5 tier, I will try to find a way to make the $10+ tiers get a more premium feeling benefit for photos.)

Lastly, I’m aware it’s late in the month and no pinup yet…I really got thrown off by my CSP account being stolen. But, rest assured the rewards will be sent before the month’s end, and I will keep crawling slowly but surely towards normality.


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