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I AM SO SORRY I’M LATE! It’s been a weird month and i’ve been all scrambled aughhh

As a reminder for you all, you can vote for as many characters as you want, and you don’t have to be a patron to vote! The 1st and 2nd place ladies will be drawn in next month’s Patreon illustrations.

There will be a public version which I’ll tweet, and at least 1 Patreon-only variant for each. To view those, you’ll need to be a $5+ patron, but if you can’t or don’t want to financially support me, they’ll be tweeted out 2 months later.

Voting ends on the 26th to compensate for my gaffe.

also this poll has a… surprising mominee. Lol

UPDATE! A week remains and uh hahahahaha oh gosh

Update 2: The final results are in and YUP we’re doin this 🙈


October Pinup Poll!

Welcome to the pinup poll! Here's the rules: You can vote for as many characters as you want. The 1st and 2nd placing gals will be drawn in next month's Patreon pinups! Poll will close on the 26th - go crazy, tell your friends and thanks for voting!