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Poll time!!! Due to the number of nominees we have these days, I have to use google forms again! Follow the link to cast your vote!

* You may vote for as many characters as you want! You are also allowed to rally votes for your favs!

* The top 4 will be placed in the finals, a lightning round taking place over next weekend!

* The winner of the finals will be featured as June’s traditional pinup!

You can find the Mom Poll here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/51271473

also! July is my birthday month! :D

to celebrate, I’m gonna draw whatever I wannnt! Just letting you all know in advance~

Edit: Currently first place is a tie between Nessa and Zelda, both of whom have 13 total votes!

We have some fun characters just barely behind in this vote! It’d be interesting if I ended up drawing a LoL gal for a pinup, never did that! Or maybe even a non-palutena Kid Icarus waifu! 😂

also remember for both of these polls you can edit your responses.

POLLS END ON THE 21ST! Remember to vote! 


Traditional pinup poll (June 2021)

The new form layout returns! I hope yall like it because it's probably here to stay lol Poll will close May 21st!