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Something has been on my mind for the past several months.

Every day, I wake up, I draw, and then I go to sleep, to wake up and draw yet again and again. I am absolutely blessed to at last be at the point where my art sustains my family, and yet I feel as though I am...uninspired. Many of you know that last year was hard and painful for me (and for those who don’t know, I won’t waste your time explaining it to you. I promise I’m ok and healing now). Many of the things, hobbies and people I used to be passionate for no longer spark joy for me, and I feel melancholic or bitter thinking about them. I spent years as a fandom artist for a fandom I no longer love...so what now?

I now realize this emptiness I feel is because my art has no passion. It simply...is. That personal spark of joy is gone, replaced by sadness or nothingness and I’m not sure what I should do. Fandoms are a wonderful and an awful thing, and now having seen the animosity of the darkest part of what people can do I find myself hesitant to jump into fandoms again. If I draw too much of any one thing that I love, I will inevitably invite another fandom, and more pain to myself. Where does that leave me? I keep trying new things, and new things are wonderful, but I need something consistent I can love to fill that hole in my art.

Knowing the problem is half the cure, and I’m more so typing this to make a declaration of how I feel than anything else. With any luck, acknowledging my dilemma will lead to its solution. Maybe I should abandon fandoms entirely, maybe I should devote all my time to this strange niche I’ve nestled into, maybe I should return to fandoms without fear. I dont know what I should do but will hopefully figure it out.

I truly love what I do, and I always find pleasure in challenging myself in new ways to elevate my art and create better work for all of you. You mean so much to me and I am always and forever grateful for you, but I know that for my art to be it’s best I need to re-find my passion, to have something in it for me and me alone that is still rewarding to create. I havent posted much art to my primary twitter these days and it barely feels like it’s “primary” at all anymore. This is likely due to everything I’ve been saying. I feel bad that my loss of direction has deprived my followers of art, but I’m unsure what to do.

You aren’t obligated to respond to this, and I dont plan on making a notice in my discord of this post either. I would appreciate some thoughts but this is my problem and not yours, so as such I will promise to you all I’ll find my solution, and my passion. Thank you as always.

I hope this is succinct and not too hard to follow. It’s a bit late here and I’m not proofreading much, if at all.



I know how you feel Trav. It hurts to once love something, and then have that loved killed by others. I'm truly sorry you don't find joy in that community anymore. I do hope that your passion returns weather it be for prego, Fe, or something completely new. We all love ya man and are here for you till the end. P.S. does this mean no more Prego, and FE art?


Noooo i’m drawing fe and pregnancy for the forseeable future! Its just that i’m not sure what brings *me* the most joy in my art anymore - something that I can devote my free time to and such.

Tired Pro

I'm sorry to hear that you are finding yourself in a bit of a slump :( When I was a teenager I used to be in a certain fandom that was infamous for "crazy" fans, eventually I grew out of it because i simply lost interest and most of the friends i made moved on to do more and more insular things, while I was busy making lifelong friends IRL that were into adjacent hobbies. We obviously dont have the same experiences but maybe you are "outgrowing" fandoms? Or at the very least they are no longer providing what you are looking for in a community? And from what you've shared with us, it sounds somewhat toxic and not very fun lol...


Pretty much i didnt interact with the fandom at large and my circles were all I really had, but that was a big reason why people wanted to tear down my slice of fandom. I sorta realized from all this i’m not looking for the kind of community fandoms provide. I just gotta find that next step.