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so, guys I joined Yiff party! Don’t know what that is? Welll! Its a delightful little site that offers tons of patreon user’s paywalled posts for FREE! As you can tell I did not choose to join this site.

One of you put me there.  

Now all my future posts could be there, for good. Thank you for your dollar, you’ve stolen hundreds from me.

Now then lets say some things.

- I am a self-employed illustrator without a college degree, working full-time with freelance / patreon. My rent is 900 a month, and patreon pays for a third of it. If patreon fell through, I could lose my house.

- I chose this path, yes, and knew some of yall wouldnt care about me, and just wanna jerk off. Thats how it is! but. All that stuff you stole? Well. the only reason I made it was BECAUSE i got paid for it. So now what‘s the point? By stealing from me you deincentivise people from pledging, and deincentivise me from making the content you want. You clearly don’t care, though. You’ll prob just move on to the next guy with your self-righteous “down with paywalls” attitude.

- I’m pretty sure I know who you are. Not surprisingly you’re a $1 or $2 tier patron. Just had a few of those join, and I COULD block you but then you could just make a fresh account anyways. I have been dealing with too much emotional trauma for the past few weeks in my life. You picked the wroooong day to fuck with me.

Now then! For everyone! moving forward, I will be delivering art and rewards via DM. if you pledge at a later date, your pledge lapses and you join later, then that’s on you. Tough luck. Buy them on my gumroad then.
Things like commissions and patreon requests will still go here, but full res of my monthly illustrations will go through DMs.

This remains to be decided on but i may also restructure my tiers. You may not be seeing everything I make for $1 anymore. I’m sorry guys I tried to be as accessible as I could. I gave you everything for $1  but the world isnt fair, is it? One bad egg ruins everything.

for now only the $1 tier level has been compromised. I will regardless be dmming PSD and Png rewards from now on as well.

oh also a side note, remember that Patreon is gonna start charging tax next month! I can’t control this and idk how it works 100% but yeah. Lol

a small update on the situation. The more i look into it the more it seems like this person is not a currently active patron. I could be wrong but i think i know who‘s behind this. Doesnt change anything i guess but hey.

OK another update.

i forgot that the month is almost over..

 so I’m gonna honor all current pledges at their current anount for next month. I likely will be making R18 and moms only available at $5+, with sketches at the lower tier, and/or delivering rewards via dm like i said. theres less time left this month than i thought to decide.. so regardless of if you’re at the 5+ tiers or not you’ll get the art from next month. Even if you’re *them*. i’ll keep yall posted on whats going to happen once i decide.



This is why we can't have nice things. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Trav...I'm sorry that this happened. I wasn't watching as closely as I promised...I feel like I've failed you


It amuses me that anti-paywall people would target the people who need that money to survive over the companies that have monopolies. They think they're on some crusade, but really they're just helping create the cyperpunk future of monopoly megacorps owning everything... defeating their own purpose. Outside of an idealized communist economy, dismantling things like indie patreon accounts only hurts the ordinary people trying to survive capitalism. At any rate, I can see why you decided to make these changes. I wish it wasn't necessary, but some people don't think before they act.


Good thing you caught on sooner than later... But yea there's something about furries that attract some of the worst people imaginable.


Yeah thats a very true point right there. The demand for “free” stuff only helps these people at the top and stops folks like me from getting anywhere. So if i cant make it freelancing i would need to work for a big conglomerate making graphics for the next battlefront or cod or whatever. No indie creativity, only big flavorless mega corps. I’m sorry to make this change but regardless of if I weed out the yoff party acct or not, im on that site for good. They can just request that the site’s bot steal for them now.


Yeahhh That site started as furry porn but then it went to just “steal anything u want! Who needs money! Give us money btw to keep yiff party running!”


That's a major bunmer to hear. Hope all is well for you going forward.


This entire thing is wack. Sorry this happened Trav, hoping that the new way prevents this from happening again.


Bro this is so fucked. I'm sorry to hear about this


Sorry to hear that, senpai, you really don't deserve to have something like this happen to you :(


The best we can do as followers is keep giving Trav the support and love that he needs right now! We're here for you Trav!