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The first image is the official design we went with for Eddie in well, Eddie the Yeti! It's based off of a drawing Christopher Scott made, but I adapted it to my own style and adjusted things that I thought would add appeal (such as adding a snout so he'd fit in a world with other walking, talking mammals).

The second image was my first pass. Originally he had big ears instead of horns, but that was from me misreading the drawing Christopher gave me. He was also thinner and taller with a smaller mane. I did that with the intention of making him feel like a leader/team captain, but Christopher wanted something strong, burly, and wild. As a result, we gave him a wild mane, a broader chest and shoulders, bigger hands, and shorter, stockier legs! And well, the rest is history! :3

Once again, Eddie the Yeti: Hard Work Wins the Game is available for pre-orders on the website! You can see more art I've done for the project there as well. I'm not getting anything from sales, FYI, but you can support the author and see all the art I did that way. :3



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