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I'm self-aware enough to know how sad and emotionally intense this comic has been so far. Every scene has resulted in Nes showing pain, anguish, tears, and more. Almost nothing happy has happened. I know this kind of story isn't everyone's cup of tea, but there's a reason it had to be this way.

Nes's perfectionism manifests like this: he's afraid to get hurt again. While he displays his refusal to accept flaws as a virtue, deep down, this is what it really was this whole time. Him making mistakes resulted in him feeling pain, anguish, and sadness in some way. Every time something bad happened, deep down, he would blame himself. Ironically, this is what has truly hurt him.

The self-loathing of the fight scene.

The guilt of the locker room scene.

The anger of the dining room scene.

The fear of the childhood scene.

It was all meant to lead to this.



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