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The reason I went with the grey background as opposed to keeping it beige is because I wanted it to reflect the environment that much of this comic has been in so far - something cold and hazy. The reason I went with that from the beginning is because I wanted the snow, the cold, and the isolation, to be a metaphor for Nes's emotional state overall, and what it has been for the past ten years.

Nes is hugging himself here for comfort in much the same way someone would be hugging themselves if they were physically cold, except in this case, Nes is emotionally very cold, but instead of ignoring it like he used to, he's now embracing it.

In addition, the emptiness is a metaphor for how Nes has let his life develop for the worse. He locked himself away for so long, doing nothing but training, and did very little to develop other areas of his life.  Now that aspect of his life is gone, it's left a vacuum, which the loss of his Dad began.

Anyway, I hope you guys all have a fabulous New Years! <3



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