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Hello everyone! Chloe here for today’s Build Mode showcase! ✨

Now, I’ve seen the comments: ‘’Your builds are pretty, but they are so colorful, but when are we going to have a more monochrome, modern showcase?’’ Well, I decided to summon my inner millennial to get a taste for the white, black, and grey when creating this new spacious build– just for you! Please note that this post is for Patrons only, so please do not share it!

A large open-space house with a second-floor loft. I find that people who have houses with large spaces are a lot tidier than I ever will be, and this is what I had in mind when decorating and cluttering (minimally) the space.

A spacious kitchen and dining room, with the newest and top-of-the-line appliances. Is that…a rice cooker I spy? *Please note that we are currently working on our counters and cabinets, so they are subject to change!

A grand piano furnishes the space between the living room and dining room. Don’t grand pianos just *scream* luxury to you?

The living room offers ample seating areas! We are also witnessing the return of the fireplace which was first introduced in our House Building Gameplay video. It has been reworked to fit our current art style.

Modular couches are also making their reappearance. Some had mentioned that the chalet modular couch was missing from our big item showroom, but do not worry: they are simply getting updated. I hope to show them to you sometime soon :)

We have a little office nook next to the (you’ve seen right) stairs. We have to maximize our space usage! Disregard the discarded boxes stashed under the stairs.

Large paintings are a staple in this house. We have two furnishing the wall up to the loft!

Upstairs is our little minimalist loft. We don’t need much in a bedroom; only a place to sleep in! And a zebra rug. Obviously.

Can a room ever have too many windows? I’d say the answer is no.

That’s all for this week folks! What would you like to see next in our showcase? More than creating new furniture items, we’ve been testing and working on some new Build Mode features, which you had a sneak peek at today. Keep an eye out for more of that in the future!

Chloe  ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡


Lianna Babeli

Looks amazing!! Can't wait to see more! ^^ Such a pretty home. ^^

Julio Saliba

Majestic. I would love to see more builds in different styles and cultures!


gorgeous!!!!! love to see the tall ceilings


remake of Maggie Loft?


I'm in LOVE


I’d love to see some landscaping/yard work or a garden


I want I need! This looks absolutely amazing!

Luiza Alves

I love loft beds sm!!! beautiful home 😁❤️❤️


It is really awesome to see something that good styled. I love this tipe of forniture and I think it’s really beautiful to see. I hope that you guys will bring some spiral stairs in the game because it would be such a cool thing to add to some loft space. Really a good job! Have a great rest of your day!


The piano!! I love all of it,, I need more. ♡♡


Can't wait to build modular couches 😍

Adamah Meir

Speaking for the Millennial minority, this trend of everything being white/gray needs to die and die quickly. Who wants to live in a house that resembles a hospital? And people who paint over fireplaces should be charged with crimes against brick.


Ohhhh hell yeah! I Love buildings modern as Well as everything else so it's cool to See that all of this will be possible. I also really Love the reworked modular Sofa, i Hope there will maybe be a few Options! Also stairs yay!!! I Hope to see a little more about stairs and roofs as you make more of them because i Love buildings, i'm a big builder in multiple games so i'm super excited! Also does the Addition of strairs mean we'll maybe get to See basements next? 👀 I am so excited because there's so many things i Hope i'll be able to do. Are you guys planning on adding various Versions of stairs, Like round ones or also with Corner? And will it be possible to place them in any direction? Sorry for asking so many questions i'm Just really excited for this :D Also i know you Guys are working on the roofs atm will there be any way of adding Windows into the roofs (either by making it a Glass roof or even those Windows that Cut into the roof? And are we gonna be able to also customize the downside of the roof (like adding wood planks instead of a flat ceiling for example) ? Sorry for the many questions i'm Just super excited for this :D keep Up the good Work y'all!


Love to see the updated modular sofas, they look so good now! The rice cooker also is a great touch


I love the grand piano! Lovely spot to place it in too!

Gwen Tinsley

I second this as a millennial. I mean all respect to those who enjoy that but it's not for me.


Looks amazing! Love the grand piano ❤️ But what about a bathroom?

Stephanie Marion

Yayyy amazing 🤩 I love this so much! Thank you for all the hard work, I'll be patiently waiting for the early access to play this beautiful game.


I wonder about that couch will the Paras be able to snuggle into it or is it for show?


This house is beautiful! Great job!

Melina W

i had no doubt that there will be many different styles of furniture in paralives and so far you have been killing it! every time my brain immediately starts imagining all the builds i'll be able to do! something i'm especially curious about is what types of fireplaces we'll get down the line, i'm hoping there will be one where you can see the fire from both sides too (not only because that's pretty cool and unique, but because my parent's house has one of those and i'd love to be able to recreate their layout as their house is really cool and interesting and so far impossible to recreate in games i've played) something else that would be cool is a cupboard that goes under stairs (think harry potter but without a child living in it)


This look great! 😍😍 I would love to see a functional bathroom next 😁. And spiral staircases are also something I would like to see, for small houses they take up less space and I keep envisioning big libraries with several spiral staircases.


Love it all so much! I especially love the curling lamp over the dining table... So modern! So cool!

Tee W

I absolutely LOVE the build mode so far this is amazing


Amazing!! Am i tripping or is that condensation on the windows?! Lovely build, thanks Chloe!


This looks great! Personally not a fan of the black and white decor (even though I'm a millenial) but I suppose it's better than beige being all the rage. Today's showcase made me wonder two things: 1 ) How will noise be handled/factored in for Paras? IIRC in TS3 the sims would get frustrated and whine if a baby was crying, someone was playing a computer game, the TV was on, whatever, in an open space even if there were a gazillion meters between them. I happen to love open kitchens and even some open floorplans and I'd really hate it if that would be unlivable for paras who don't live on their own because they get bothered by noise meters away just because there's not a wall. These days there are plenty of ways to minimize sounds/noise and make spaces livable! 2) Really enjoy the more modern appliances (although I'm not sure I'd call a rice cooker modern, they've been around for ages) and things that make everything in the houses look realistic, like a place one of my friends or relatives lives in. I'm wondering if (eventually) we can also expect slowcookers, quookers, and cooktop extractors in the game? They could make busy paras' lives so much easier and still allow for healthy food, clean spaces, sleek kitchens etc.


Loving what i see!


New patron here! The game looks great and I'd totally live here!

Michelle Koleva

Beautiful! Would it be one of the default houses?


It looks great! I do think the shadow on the bed from the light looks a bit weird. At first I thought it was a stain. Also, spiral stairs would look really cool in this house! Just saying!


They probably just don't have any new updates to show us for bathroom items :)


I cant wait until I can build in this game! Will we have curtains, and will they be adjustable as well? Both in height and width? 😍 This build looks amazing

Hoff Fondue

I loves this, I am a big fan of this look ♥️♥️


I love it!


I love a lot i fabulous!


This build looks amazing




Very nice!! I’m definitely not a fan of the modern style—it feels too sterile and office-y to me and I prefer cozier spaces—but that doesn’t mean you guys didn’t do a great job with this! I remember back before you did the chalet house building video that there was a poll on the type of house we wanted to see and there was a cottage option. I would love to see a cute little cottage house at some point!

John PT

It’s amazing! Congrats One thing I would love to see is old features that were showcased now shown with the new art style: the bunk beds and curtains for example


Looks so beautiful! I’m primarily a builder and love to experiment with different options so undo and redo options is something I’m always playing with. What would be amazing would be a history undo button that can undo many steps. Ideally something where you can toggle between different points in history. since I have zero technical knowledge I’m wondering if this could even be a possibility?(I use adobe photoshop a lot -so like how the history palette works. Where you can capture a specific point in history and toggle between the images.)


They have said that they have yet to rework the interior lighting so what you’re seeing is basically sunlight through the open roof creating lamp shadows. I do wonder what these builds will look like with interior lighting eventually


Something minor, but I find that huge pillar in the middle of the room also quite nice! Cool design :) Very luxurious


I just love how you guys are able to (possibly) take away the need for modders to create build/buy mode items due to your base game having so much to offer already! Lovely build 💕


Beautiful! I’m so happy to hear that the modular couch from the chalet video is still going to be in the game! It looked so good! And the new modular couch is looking amazing as well 🤩


This rules

Lane Brettschneider

I'm sure we've seen it before but the closet door really caught my attention this time! I know it's basic but I LOVE it, I know I'm going to use it a lot! And the modular couch still makes me so excited - it is chef's kiss! There is one thing kind of irking me though, and that's the shadow of the light fixture on the bed (I think that's what it is). Is that something that can be modified to be less harsh, or maybe ceiling lights could not have shadows? It feels like it disrupts the look of the bed (unless that is actually the duvet design, in which case- OK!) Thank you so much for sharing! I so look forward to these every week!!


I always feel like I want to recreate these houses in the sims, they just look so amazing


I love this build! Are there plans for more types of stairs in the future? Stairs with turns, spiral stairs, stairs with flared bottom steps like you'd see in more traditionally style mansions / castles?

Lane Brettschneider

these are great questions! I second the questions about skylights and vaulted ceilings! Basements are unfortunately not coming until after Early Access so I'm guessing they are not working on them yet.


lovely build! i think i spotted a closet on the loft? can't wait to see how those work 👀

Lane Brettschneider

After reading other comments, I take back what I said about the lamp shadow! I know things will change in time!

Leo Cuervo

I can’t wait to recreate my studio in LA that was built in the 1920s as a hotel but is now an apartment building.


Anyone notice the closet? I know it’s basic but hate having mods for simple things like this. Hopefully its what I think it is


Thanks for this showcase, Chloe ! I really like the style of this place, although I can't say I understand people who like monochrome stuff XD We're really living in a time when color is leaving our lives... But the lines of the furniture, on the other hand, are very much my style. Sorry if I'm missing something, but are stairs new ? Doesn't Maggie's loft already have stairs ? Quick question, you mention clutter, and I couldn't remember whether it's been officially said whether pieces of furniture come WITHOUT clutter attached to them. You know how in That Other Game 4™ shelves already have stuff on them ? It's such an enraging detail about building in that game ; and it's also very much anti-customization. Is that going to be the case in Paralives ? I can't imagine it will be, but some clarification would help :)

Gill Reid

This looks amazing, not my style but its still amazing. I love old Tudor houses and small quaint cottages or even a small cabin in the woods would be my dream. Sorry..talking about my dreams here. Paralives team, you are all absolutely fantastic!!


While not my style preference, I think you captured it very well. Quick question: Are the 2 walls in the bedroom different colours or is the light hitting them differently? (I assume the former but was curious just the same.)


Very much my style but maybe not even modern enough lol. Great showcase but I'm wondering about hills. Will we be able to build on slopes ? I loved that about the sims 3. Thanks for all the work you guys are doing it's amazing.


OMG I love this! I aspire to get my para rich enough to be able to afford a place like this


This is fantastic! Love the nook and marble kitchen floors. Super fancy.


Sorry, I’m not Paralives, but I think they’re different colors as an accent. In the pic above, you can see a corner of it and it looks gray :)


I love the showcase an representation of different styles and tastes in paralives so far. It only makes sense that if there is so much personality customization options there would be just as much furniture and decor style options as well. Good job i LOVE the sleek modern style.

FinFan 83

OMG OMG ! They built us another home ! And it's modern ! Brings us 5 Points of Modern Architecture ! Progressive architecture ! Look at all that ! Love the abstract artwork on 1st screenshot, my Paras will definitely buy it when I'll play ! Also the zig-zag bookcase is so great to have, thanks for designing that for us. Have no idea why do you need a rice cooker (doesn't it just cook in a jar with water ? ) but I sure am fond of those Pantone-ing chairs on second screenshot, also a very necessary introduction, will get them for sure too. What's with that bowl of fruit that's on fire ? Love the rough stone finish on the wall at the fireplace, and of course the fireplace itself, all that way back from when it was introduced. The modular couch could eventually help build a late 60's conversation pit if done all the way around in a rectangle ? Love the idea of the desk utilizing the space by the stairs, clever. Also the stairs have clever collision box to allow for that. And visually the stairs are properly simplified too, no machine turned bannisters and stuff. Thank you. As for „Can a room ever have too many windows? „ I wanted to ask if the corner windows (like above kitchen area) could be made to look like one unified piece, without that tiny strip of wall remaining at the corner in between window frames ? In real world architecture steel frames allow for complete elimination of corner pillar,and only glazing and it's frames are left. Don't know if your wall segments in Paralives allow for disappearance of wall at the corner, but if they already manage resizeable windows, then they might. I know this is a minuscule detail, but it ruins the illusion of a corner window in current form.

FinFan 83

the very first video where they shown the feature of curved walls, years ago, was showing a building on slight slope. So at least the building is able to compensate ground difference on different sides.


Are there spiral and curved stair cases? I can’t remember, but I need ‘em!


I'm hopeful we'll be able to make 2-3 story side-split or back-split houses. And also have raised basements with functioning windows for the basements. And that the ground will be flush with the raised basement wall without having to use workarounds like with Sims 4. (I'll still be VERY happy if we can't do these things -- I realize it's not fair to ask a small team with limited funds to implement everything the Sims 4 is missing! But one can dream, right? :D )

Paige Fletcher

This looks amazing! I can’t wait to build and decorate 😍


Modern never looked so beautiful!! I love it! ❤️


thisssss is what we needed to see! like i personally live for that rustic boho aesthetic obviously that won’t work for everyone. love this


I’m so excited! 😆

BooDotBoo .

Not really a fan of the more bland stuff, reminds me too much of gentrification, honestly. I need color in my decor. Great build, though!

Und3rgr0und -

Will there be the possibility to lower rooms to create sofa pits and such? Room deepness is a feature I quite enjoyed in the sims


https://youtu.be/Md3igd_DpSE?si=0YahvxldQDftYeEB&t=82 I think so? At least this House Building video they showed the same mechanic :)


Lol on the last one Chloe, yes in game the more windows the better! But IRL, unless one can afford a window cleaner hells no. :p I am so loving all this modern decor, love all the pieces thus far but still hope to get built in modern fireplaces as well. The gas/electric types, even double sided would be awesome. keep up the great work.


I think most of the commenters are only sharing their personal preferences on style, not whether they want this build in game? Many of the comments distinguish between subjective and objective, and praise the build afterwards for its quality. "This ain't my thing, but I can appreciate it's well made."


I love the more modern style, so I'm glad to see that this look can be achieved as well as the old country one ❤️

Shota Tsunamura

For build mode can we build parks and playgrounds functional playgrounds?

Liesel Strick

I like things in order, especially in smaller spaces. But not too minimalistic/clean, or too messy/kitsch. Something in the middle. Maybe the simplified Mediterranean/Scandinavian furniture style? May we please have plenty of natural textures? I love wood, in different shades, stone in rough and smoothed, baskets, white walls and plants. As long as I can make my eyes enjoy this, I as happy as possible


We totally need slides and swings for kids (and teens and adults too tbh. Teens could hang out on playgrounds). Just adds so much to family gameplay. Also seasaws perhaps

FinFan 83

Yeah, thought the same. Even if this feature doesn't allow you to lower the floor deeper than the ground level, you could raise the surrounding floor and therefore sink the sofa pit lower.


The James Turner house lol Really cool

Sara Rocha

I'd love to, at some point, see a remake of Maggie's loft :3


I like the tool mode toolbar looks very simplistic and user friendly

Christina Ozeki

I prefer the more colourful or gothic styles that you showcased in the past. There are so many games with boring black, white, cream and beige/brown interiors. I like your more unique colourful style and did I mention the gothic one hehe that reminded me of my teenage goth/punk days. :)

Vash T


Pedro Lopez

I love this! It looks amazing!! I’m wondering if by any chance we’ll be able to build things like castles? Just wondering, it’s okay if we can’t 😁

James Bender

can't wait EA killing the sims


They certainly on their way there with the current update lol

Antonia Okei

Will we be able to download houses or custom lots already built by workers or players


I had to come here and skim through the posts for a moment of relief and joy, seriously. After putting down Sims 4 for Sims 1 and 2 - the relationship with Ea feels like having an abusive partner at this point lol - I decided to pick the game up again for the new pack featuring jewelry making (I'm a fulltime jewelry artist and I have begged for something like this for years). The patch with the shopping button sent me! It feels like we're always getting crumbs mixed in with so much greed and Paralives seems like it will be such a breath of fresh air. For 24 years I've used life simulation games to calm my anxiety and heal, but nowadays all it does is add to my stress. I can't express how grateful I am to this team for bringing life sim back to life with so much passion and dedication. You guys are doing so much more than just making a game. I'm so excited and so grateful.

Lucie Baha

No matter what EA does or will do with the sims, I've refused to buy anything from them or other AAA studios like Activision and Ubisoft for years.


Me too, but at the same time I love the original so much, that I hope it won't change drastically even with how much the game has changed since then. And I definitely would love to see the bed with the dotted covers in the final game, I really liked this one! :)


I second everything you said above - I was wondering about the stairs point as well, it would be interesting to hear more on that :)


This is so incredibly beautiful. The art team is doing such a great job at establishing a unique and welcoming visual identity for the game <3


YES! I love seeing different styles for our Paras. I am in love with the dining room set - will definitely be using it a lot. Also, just wanted to congratulate you for the beautiful work on the shiny surfaces, like the leather chair and even the very light sheer on the dining chair/piano - just wow! The plants are looking great too. Omg so much good stuff, I could go on and on lol

Trinity Smith

omg give me the game now!


Looks great! Would love to see a cozy boho style next 😍


BIG YES !!! <3

Rachelle Met

i'm genuinly in love with the style

Heather Kiser

Gosh I’m going to put hrs and hrs and hrs in this game lol