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Hello, Alice here! ☀️

It has been a while since the last animation showcase, so we wanted to show you what I have been working on during the past weeks. As you saw in this Patreon Post, Richard and I recently worked on improving the locomotion of our Parafolks. However, today I will be showcasing our newest animations, including some romantic ones that I am really thrilled about, as well as our new bench press and treadmill animations. I made a small video to showcase them, which you can see at the top of this Patreon Post. ⬆🎥

The Animations in the Video

  • Marriage Proposal Success

  • Marriage Proposal Fail

  • Passionate Kiss Fail

  • Jog on Treadmill

  • Working Out on Bench Press Barbell Start and Stop

  • Working Out on Bench Press Barbell Low Skill

  • Working Out on Bench Press Barbell Medium Skill

In case you missed it, you can find our previous animation showcase in this Patreon post. Also, if you're curious, the lovely music in today's video is one of Andrei's recent compositions called Time Machine!✨

The Animation Process

I asked you in a recent post if you would be interested in knowing more about our animation process. The answer was yes, so here’s a brief explanation!

  • First things first, the main 3D software artists use at Paralives studio is Blender.

  • We start by brainstorming: what animations we need at this point for the game, which we would like to have, which are realistically achievable while taking our resources and technical challenges into account.

  • Once we’ve agreed upon what we want and can do (sometimes we find out later that we can't do it and wasted time trying; fun times!), I start looking for animation references. I prefer to use other people's videos as references for technical movements/motions that I might not be knowledgeable enough about, like working out on a fitness machine. But most of the time, I shoot references myself, this way we get exactly what we need. Although I am not the best actress, I usually manage to pull it off (I think).

  • It’s time to animate in Blender! Here is a short youtube video that I love, which explains animation very well. The computer-generated animation portion begins around 1:24.

  • After I finish animating, I export my Blender animation to Unity, our game engine, where our modding tools allow us to integrate it into the game. After the first version of an animation is done, I share it with the team for feedback. I make the necessary retakes whenever necessary (which is nearly always the case, even based on my own feedback) and update the files in game.

  • Finally, in some specific cases, we need to dynamically adapt the animations using code. This is because of the fact that you can change the height of characters in Paralives. If two people of the same height are hugging, their arms won't be resting on each other at the same place and in the same angle as if a tall person was hugging a smaller one.

That's it for today; as always, I had a great time working on these and hope you learned a thing or two about animation! Please feel free to share your feedback and ask any questions you may have. I would love to read what you think about everything that has been shown above. :)

Happy Friday to you all!!
Alice (☆◡☆) /

Edit - May 23rd, 2024: This post is now public, feel free to share it!



excited!! but will the proposal animations be more animated depending on personality? or will they all be subdued?

Brandi Werthner

Awesome!! What other actions will you be adding? 😊

Sammy Clark

I love those animations 😍

Jordan Harrison

Omg those animations are so smooth!!!! I can't wait to see what they're like in early access of they already look this good! The proposal was so amazing. And benchpressing?!!! You guys are doing awesome work


It’s looking very good! I love how the animation is different for the level of the skill. I love it!


i love the knee shake. it's just the wee details that make the game so nice.


Hm, the proposal animation are a bit mild if you ask me. Like I feel as though be barely reacted to the rejection and the proposal reaction was also pretty tame. Also, would it be possible to add the ring to the finger in the animation? And when someone does propose, I think you should be able to see the ring from then on. It looks REALLY good. I’m excited to see more! :)

aquashine93 shawol4life

This is so awesome! I think it would be cool that if you're working out with a para that has a higher fitness skill, they can spot you on the bench if you're just starting out. It could also be a skill boost AND add like a "mentor" relationship label!


I absolutely love how realistic the animations are! You guys are doing such an amazing job. It looks like there is weight in what they're doing. Impressive because sometimes in games you can't see the physics very well. And since we're on the subject of animations, I want to make a suggestion. Thank you for creating such a detailed world in Paralives! To deepen family connections, I'd love to suggest the ability for Paras parents and children to hold hands while walking short distances. This feature is missing in other simulation games, and many fans enjoy telling stories with families. Being able to visually capture moments of parents holding their children's hands adds a precious emotional touch. It strengthens the bond between characters and fosters those lasting heartwarming moments that are core to gameplay. I realize this might be a challenge to implement, but even as future content, this simple detail would be wonderful. Thank you so much for your time and for considering ways to make family bonds feel even more special.

Julio Saliba

Love those romantic animations. Just in time for Valentine’s day (Although it’s only 5 days away). hope to see more in the future.


I just LOVE how depending on the skill it’s a different animation

Pascal Lefebvre

Omg this is just the cutest thing ever! 😍😍


Hi! I would love to have this! However as the only animator on the team, right now I am focusing on making as many animations as I can for each situation, rather than creating every potential variation for a single interaction. :)


This is an exciting glimpse of gameplay and I am so hopeful for the game coming out next year. The art style is what I was first drawn to but the game play looks intuitive and easy. This feels cozy and yet dynamic enough to hold the interest of an easily bored person like myself. Great job on this! I love it.


thanks for answering! that’s understandable :)). can’t wait to play


The proposal animation feels a tad emotionless to me. When one Para presents the ring, I'd expect a more immediate reaction from the other Para. Right now, she's just staring as if something hasn't quite clicked until he speaks. 😅 While the rejection is toned down, suggesting she doesn't want to embarrass him, it'd be nice to see her agreement infused with a bit more excitement, if I'm honest. I'd suggest adding a touch more spice, not overly cartoony, but enough to evoke in us, the players, some emotions as well. I love the running animation, tho! So smooth!

Vinicius Fernando

Two Paralives videos in one week? This can only be a dream 🤧❤️😍. Alice always doing a good job! ❤️

Sara Rocha

Looking cool. I'd like to give some feedback on the proposal animations tho. In the successful proposal, I think the para being proposed to should act a bit more excited, even if just by acting all giddy (and it would contrast nicely to the apathy of the proposal fail) and if it is possible to add the ring on the para's finger, I think it would be perfect. In the proposal fail, I think the para doing the proposing should act a bit sadder or embarrassed for proposing too early. Keep up the great work


Thank you!! ♡ A whole lot are planned! As of today we do have a good base and it would take a while to list you everything haha. A lot more of skill related animations are planned for example!

Laura Cacique

The animations are looking ao good!!!! Thanks Alice!!!! Can’t wait to play Paralives!!!!


I really REALLY love this idea! One of the things that's always bothered me in other games is that the friends/couples/family members seem so distant from each other. For example, I never understood why two parents couldn't play on the floor with their toddler together, or lay down and snuggle on the couch while watching a movie.. Relationships just don't feel like they have depth when moments of togetherness aren't ever really portrayed. I think autonomously holding hands based on relationship levels would be a nice touch, as would other small gestures that make the Paras truly feel like they have relationships with substance and affection!


Hi! Thank you so much for you feedback♡ It's all still very work in progress, I'm taking notes :)

Mirka Lintula

The animations look so natural. I'm impressed ♡


Hi! Thank you so much, Léa had this idea too haha! That'd be great :)


For sure! I appreciate you all taking the community opinions into consideration :)))

Marina Pantazis

The fact that you added a lvl of complexity (height) and that you handle it is 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

Ace Cousin

The animations are really cool! It would be more fun if the animations were more dramatic so it's a bit more exciting


Hi! Thank you so much! Yes I totally agree and I would love to have our Parafolks being able to hold hands. However, you don't see it often it games because it is a real technical challenge, especially for us and our Height Slider. So it's not planned for us at the moment. But don't worry we will have many very cute interactions added between parents and children! :)♡

Alice (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-11 07:59:31 Tank you!! ♡
2024-02-09 15:48:49 Thank you!! ♡

Thank you!! ♡


Yes! You hit the nail on the head. Without the visual animations, they don't feel like they have a bond. I remember in sims 3 when I would see parent sims from houses I wasn't playing at a community lot teaching their toddler to walk. Even though it was an animation I knew very well, it would still make me drop everything and watch because that was a parent bonding with their kid. I dislike how when you go to community lots, your group of sims go off doing their own thing instead of staying a group and doing things together like real people would. And I especially hate it when parents just leave their toddlers roaming anywhere. You know in real life a human is glued to that toddler. I would really like that togetherness represented in a life simulation game.

Cesar A

So cool!! Have you considered implement cinematics for events like proposals? That’s one of my favorite things in The Sims 2


Thank you for the response! I knew that it would be a tall order and wasn't expecting anything. However, I am glad you guys have plans to add many cute parent to child animations. That really makes me happy! And with the work I have seen you guys produce, I know it's going to melt my heart when I finally get to see it.


Hi, thank you so much for taking the time to give us feedback! Yes, I see what you mean, saddly in this angle we can't really see Sofia's face. :/ We really wanted to have a "spechless" kind of reaction. A more excited one could be very cute though! Like suggested above, it could play a different variation depending on the personnality! Thanks again♡


What a nice surprise! I love the new animations⭐️


Hi Sara, thank you for the feedback! I'm copying my answer from above: "Yes, I see what you mean, saddly in this angle we can't really see Sofia's face. :/ We really wanted to have a "spechless" kind of reaction. A more excited one could be very cute though! Like suggested above, it could play a different variation depending on the personnality!". Also, after the interactions have played, I'd like to have emotion reactions playing on each Parafolks, to accentuate what just happened! Thank you again, I'm taking notes♡

Nathan Carpenter

I think the animations could be a little more active for proposals but the rest look amazing. Thanks for sharing!


Hi Cesar! We did talk about it, nothing I can confirm yet though. ;)

Marita Galaas Svendsen

Alice! You’re killing it with these animations 🥹 They are so wonderful! Can’t believe you added a bench press. That’s so cool! Also, the music. Aaah. Perfection 🥹💕

Alisa Yankina (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-11 07:59:31 It's always very interesting to see the process behind! The animations are superb! The only thing that is a bit off for me is lack of emotions during proposal. It's quite an exiting event in case of success and an embarrassing one in case of failure, so would be cool if paras could be more expressive about it ^^
2024-02-09 16:14:26 It's always very interesting to see the process behind! The animations are superb! The only thing that is a bit off for me is lack of emotions during proposal. It's quite an exiting event in case of success and an embarrassing one in case of failure, so would be cool if paras could be more expressive about it ^^

It's always very interesting to see the process behind! The animations are superb! The only thing that is a bit off for me is lack of emotions during proposal. It's quite an exiting event in case of success and an embarrassing one in case of failure, so would be cool if paras could be more expressive about it ^^

Panthro Samah

One thing that I think is important: Both results have to have the same beginning. I noticed that she has her arms crossed when she will refuse the proposal. If both animations started the same, we would have a little bit of thrill before the result.

Liesel Strick

I love the animations. But I would like to suggest something, not sure if it's possible. But how about reacting to a proposal, depending on a Para's character. Shy Paras might feel strange but flattered, flush and finally agree. Self confident Paras are outgoing, maybe show more emotions and don't mind if other Paras watch them during the proposal.


Of course! And I totally agree, as I replieed in other comments, we really wanted a toned down/speachless reaction for this one. However, I'd love to have time to make a more excited and expressive version for this! ♡

Jean321x .

Something that caught my attention with the barbell is the fact that as the skill gets higher the animation actually matches that of someone that knows what they are doing. Controlled negative and a quick tempo against gravity. Truly amazing work. I was wondering with there is any plans to have an activity or skill like martial arts where sparing is involved. From what I have seen you would design one hell of a sparing match.

Panthro Samah

I'm always impressed how fluid are the animations! And I was thinking: There are some system that let us have more animations to each event? In Skyrim modding, we have tools to make aleatory idles, for example, that we'll be randomly selected based on gender, for example. If we have something like this, it would be amazing, the paras would feel much more real.


Hi Nathan, I'd love to have more expressive and excited variations, maybe depending on personalities? Adding variations is not our highest priority right now, but definitely taking notes on all the feedback! ♡

Nathan Carpenter

I think it would be so cool if animations could vary based on personality but I can imagine how much work that takes!

Michelle Koleva

Mmm, all is amazing I just want to ask: is it only me or the Treadmill wasn't moving (or was moving too fast? LOL)? Not a vital issue *for me* at all, just noticed it. Next to the whole amazing work you have done and are doing, it's just a curiosity and doesn't matter.


I would make a comment about the successful proposal, but I already saw that Alice is taking in note, one comment about it made a little excited. So I just have two questions, do you guys plan on doing merch and after early access are you guys keeping the patreon up? I like see the progress of this game and it would be cool to see continuous progress of large updates.


Aw thank you Marita! ♡♡ I will let Andrei know for sure :D


I love the animation and the music; everything is looking great. What seems to be missing is the integral sense of humor that made The Sims truly unique. It wasn't just watching your Sim exercise; it's about creating stories and peppering those stories with humor, unexpected events, mistakes, emotions. Humor is not easy to execute, so if you guys need help with that aspect, ask the community, look back to The Sims 1, 2, and 3 for the random events (maid sleeping in your bed). I've noticed Sims 4 has injected a bit more humor lately in recent updates - dogs eating poop, maids watching TV. The base game was totally humorless and boring. Don't make the same mistake.


The animations always look so good!!! I saw that the idea for having different types of reactions based on personality was mentioned above and I love that a lot, I really hope it ends up being the case! I think this successful proposal animation is great for someone who’s maybe a little quieter or more serious, but I’d love to see one for a para who’s more excitable. You guys are amazing and I’m so excited to play next year!!


Thank you so much for your feedback!♡ Here's what I answered above to a similar message: "Yes, I totally see what you mean. For this one we really wanted to have a spechless/toned down kind of reaction. A more excited one could be very cute though, it could play a different variation depending on the personnality! Right now it is not our highest priority to add variations, I'm focusing on creating all the basics first." :)


Hi Liesel, thank you for your feedback!♡ Here's what I answered above to a similar message: "Yes, I totally see what you mean. For this one we really wanted to have a spechless/toned down kind of reaction. A more excited one could be very cute though, it could play a different variation depending on the personnality! Right now it is not our highest priority to add variations, I'm focusing on creating all the basics first." :)

Kristen Cozzi

Animations looks so smooth and natural! Great job!


Thank you so much for the kind words Jean! :D I would absolutely love to work on a martial arts skill, however this is not planned as the moment, we are really focusing on our basics first. Still taking notes of all the ideas though.♡

Liesel Strick

Thank you so much for you fast reply, Alice. Take all the time in the world. I thought this could just be another point for your trial and error mind map :) Have a great weekend

Ana Rode

I loooove these animations! They look so real, like real interactions! I love that they feel so grounded, without the random silliness that sims for example has with some interactions where sometimes you just wish they acted a bit more normal haha. Stunning!


I agree with you! I feel like the animation needs to be a little more snappy (if that’s even a word?) because at the moment I kind of didn’t get any emotion out of both of them. Like for a rejection, the girl could start looking around almost as if embarassed for what is going on, or push back the box and turn around. For approval she could lift her shoulders more, to be almost in an awe, maybe throw her hand for the ring to be placed, look at the ring…


the sweetness of that kiss, I melt ♥

Danielle Ellis

He took that marriage rejection like a champ lol


Hi! Thank you so much for the kind words.♡ Yes, the goal with our modding tools is to let the players and CC creators to add their own assets in the game! It works for animations too, and I am very excited about that, I cannot wait to see all your amazing creations! :D


Hi Michelle! No you are RIGHT haha, it is not moving yet. It's all still very WIP but the team is aware of this and it will be improved. :)♡

ZombieZmaj (Jenni)

I know you've said you wanted toned down reactions for the animations which I totally understand... but really hope if a Para gets rejected they would act at least a little obvious for sadness/embarrassment Otherwise they're super cute. (I'd say they're verging on Sims 2 personality level which if you achieve that will be immense at making the Paras feel like they're real and fleshed out... I know you don't want everyone to keep comparing to TS but it's hard not too when they've been such a big game in this genre )

Matthew Geller

I actually enjoy the more grounded animations. I’ve witnessed and been present for several proposals, and of course seen many more online. IMO, people are more often stunned and have a quieter sort of elation vs. shrieking and doing backflips. I think we’re all so used to how Sims react that anything “normal” seems more subdued lol.


I am! :D For merch, I honestly have no idea, but I'd love it so much!! I'll probably be the best customer haha. For the Patreon, it's still not decided I think. Alex could answer better than me on this, that would be a good question for the DevChat. :)


Hello Alice & Richard, the talent you both display in creating smooth fluidity of movement for the Paras amazes me all the time... and just keeps getting better! Although I get what others have critiqued about the excitement level of the proposal animation I must say the proposal animation in this first peek video is also spot on to how some being proposed to react, such as the video I have of my daughter's proposal by her fiance, who did not get down on one knee but that was ok, he did good, it was not a fail! I felt like I was watching her accept his proposal. I wish I could share the video with you... it was a very touching and beautiful moment, even though it was at a Texas deer lease on a cold New Year's Eve. 🤭 There are so many different ways people propose and people accept proposals, so do please keep the one presented here, I love it, and if able 'add' an excited proposal reaction to trigger for the more outgoing Para personality types who will be in the game. Your work and all the Dev team keeps hitting it out of the ball park!! Congrats on the success you are all enjoying and so well deserved!! 👏


Hi Kristen! Thank you so much for your feedback.♡ We do have humor in the game, going from some interactions to build mode items etc! We just want to be really careful not to give a goofy feeling to the game, especially when it comes to animations! But I totally see your point, and on a personal side, I love everything that is cartoony, colorful and exaggerated. However I'm not really worried about that, Alex and the team have lots of cool and funny ideas for Paralives! :)


I loved these animations, but I think in Marriage Proposal Success the Para who's being surprised by the invitation could be more excited. The girl Para on the vid looks like: "Well, okay, I accept!"

Und3rgr0und -

To chime in, perhaps the para's reaction could also be based on the relationship type/level (ex: super duper in love since forver = more excited?) although personality type is also nice. Perhaps it's a little early for that but 2-3 variations for the same actions can be nice! So that it doesnt feel repetitive

Lucie Baha

Keep up the good work and don't be discouraged by the haters who say you're scammers. 👍


love the animations! i do feel like the proposals could look a bit smoother and could convey the success/rejection more clearly, but overall i love emmm


So cute!


I love that the propose interaction isn't over the top for botha successful proposal and a rejected one. Also I was holding my breath with the bad form for the low skill dumbbells being used. Everything looks great!

Raina Amorim

Omg the sucessful kiss was so cute ☺️🫶🏻 Great Job Alice!!


Imagine having a guy look at you the way Jason looks at Sofia when proposing 😭 🥰 😭


Most of these look good but will we have different speeds on the treadmill? I think that will make it feel more natural

Alice (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-11 07:59:31 Thank you so much Holly! ♡
2024-02-09 18:00:47 Thank you so much Holly! ♡ I would love to be able to create more variations later!

Thank you so much Holly! ♡ I would love to be able to create more variations later!


I think it'd be nice if proposal reactions matched the paras personality better!! This looks so good though :)


The workout animations are incredible 🥹 The proposal one seems to be missing a lil bit of body language imho. Other than that, keep up the fantastic work ❤️


The animations are amazing! So realistic !

Courtney Aloisi

The animations are great! They aren't over the top and seem much more realistic. Love it!


Yeah the proposal is surprisingly low energy but it still looks good!


I like that the proposal animation isn't too quick. It's a big moment and it's good there's a moment to take it in.


Hi Jenni, thank you for your feedback! It could also be nice to have related reactions to what just happened just after the big question. But I agree, all of that is still a wip! :)♡


"Doing backflips" hahaha! Thank you for the kind words♡


Hi! Thank you so much for your feedback and the sweet sweet words! I agree, there are so many ways to propose, and I'd love if we could add different versions.♡ Thanks again :')


Hi Alice :) Thanks for this post ! The new animations are terrific, I really like it when there are different animations for the same movement. Obviously it is a luxury in many ways for a game of the scope of Paralives, so it's appreciated twice as much when there are different animations depending on skill (or something else, but for now I believe we've mostly seen based on skill if memory serves). I would absolutely watch a livestream of the process of an animation, it sounds amazing. Question : are there animations in the game so far that can be repurposed for different things later ? I don't know, like the proposal one, is it planned to reuse the upper body animation to open an object or something like that ? I mean, probably not that specific animation, but in general does everything need to be done from scratch ? "I prefer to use other people's videos as references for technical movements/motions that I might not be knowledgeable enough about, like working out on a fitness machine" Haha, same, Alice. Saaame !


The animations/movements look so realistic, not just in smoothness but also in actual realism like the low skill bench pressing who looked like he could kill himself any moment by dropping the weights on himself* or Sofia being taken aback yet pleased with the (successfull) proposal. Well done, Alice. The comments and Alice's replies about different (emotional) reactions to a proposal made me wonder about something else that's not so much animation-related as it is about relationships. Is it going to be possible for romantically involved paras to simply talk about the possibility of marriage, rather than going from 'going steady' to 'proposing marriage'? Perhaps the together cards could come into play here with the options varying from 'some day', 'not to you' and 'definitely' to 'I oppose the idea of marriage and only want long term relationships/registered partnerships' or even choose an option of who should do the proposing or if they should go straight to city hall and skip the proposal and engagement. A discussion beforehand (or not) about marriage could also affect how a para reacts to being proposed to. Similar concepts could be used for engaged couples (long vs short engagement, big vs small wedding, eloping and so on), but also to suggest opening up the relationship if poly relationships and/or open marriages are in the game or separation/divorce if the relationship is rocky. And then, if you start playing with another household, the choices the player's made could be autonomously executed through story progression. *Definitely second the suggestion up-thread about creating the possibility of another para being a spotter and becoming a gym buddy.


Hi Julio! Thanks so much for your feedback, here's what I answered above: "Yes, I totally see what you mean. For this one we really wanted to have a spechless/toned down kind of reaction. A more excited one could be very cute though, it could play a different variation depending on the personnality! However, right now adding animation variations is not our highest priority, we're focusing on creating all the basics first!".


Yes I agree! Thank you for sharing your ideas :)


Thank you Lucie hahaha! (I swear we're notttttttttttt♡)


Thank you so much! This is still quite a Work In Progress so things might evolve over time♡


Thanks Alexi! Yes I agree, I'm sure we will add more animations for the treadmill along the way. :)


Yes! We will maybe have more variations later on. Thank you for your feedback♡


the animations are so great and realistic! one suggestion for the proposal but it might be difficult: you can incorporate the personalities of the paras in how they respond. for example, one can start crying/tearing up and another could show more excitement

Alice (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-11 07:59:31 Thanks for your feedbackmar! Variations for this might be added later on, maybe based on personality or relationship status! But with just one animator we're focusing on creating all the basic animations first!
2024-02-09 19:45:17 Thanks for your feedback mar! Variations for this might be added later on, maybe based on personality or relationship status! But with just one animator we're focusing on creating all the basic animations first!

Thanks for your feedback mar! Variations for this might be added later on, maybe based on personality or relationship status! But with just one animator we're focusing on creating all the basic animations first!


Thank you Courtney, I'm happy you like them! ♡


Thanks Niko! Yes, I think these are our longest animations in the game right now :D


Hi there! Thank you for the kind words.♡ Good question, it is possible for some cases to re-use parts (or at least poses) of an already existing animation. I can't seem to find a precise example right now, but of course if I can do it, I will! Most of the time everything is done from scratch, but I still have my Pose Library, which is a Blender feature (our 3D software) where I can store poses like mouth poses, face poses, body poses, hand poses... to re use. Which I do all the time and it makes the whole process way faster! Haha yeaa, I'm not the most active person in the team :^p

Alice (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-11 07:59:31 Thank you Zedef!♡ Well I'd love to have the option to talk about mariage beforehand, just to be sure that the other one is on board. However, I'd love to see brave Parafolks try something out of the blue, even if the chances are low haha. Your "not to you" together card idea is savage haha, I like it! I'm not the best dev to ask all of this and I can't confirm anything about that, but I love your ideas! Maybe asking that in a devchat could be nice? Thank you so much for sharing!! ♡
2024-02-09 20:01:17 Thank you Zedef!♡ Well I'd love to have the option to talk about mariage beforehand, just to be sure that the other one is on board. However, I'd love to see brave Parafolks try something out of the blue, even if the chances are low :p. Your "not to you" together card idea is savage haha, I like it! I'm not the best dev to ask all of this and I can't confirm anything about that, but I love your ideas! Maybe asking that in a devchat could be nice? Thank you so much for sharing!! ♡

Thank you Zedef!♡ Well I'd love to have the option to talk about mariage beforehand, just to be sure that the other one is on board. However, I'd love to see brave Parafolks try something out of the blue, even if the chances are low :p. Your "not to you" together card idea is savage haha, I like it! I'm not the best dev to ask all of this and I can't confirm anything about that, but I love your ideas! Maybe asking that in a devchat could be nice? Thank you so much for sharing!! ♡


Thank you Jessica! I'd love to have more variations based on personalies or relationships. I hope we will be able to add some along the way. ♡


Totally agree with this, if the para is cheerfull I'd like to see a super excited reaction, or if the para is romantic then a cute reaction, something like that.


Thank you for your reply, Alice :) Oh right, for facial expressions, I didn't think of that ! That library is going to look pretty crazy eventually :)

Sandy Pierre

I'm really new to supporting, These animations are just so beautiful and natural. I'm so glad to be here, I love them! I have some small suggestions if it hasn't been mentioned yet. 1. (this suggestion might not be necessary but it might be fun lol) I don't know how the personality system works for the game so please ignore if not possible. for the failed proposal, is there a way to show slightly different animations based off the character personality. e.g. red cheeks - hand covering face in embarrassment for a character that might be considered shy. or signs of visible frustration for a character that is more naturally hot headed. (again if it doesnt make sense please ignore I love everything as is lol)


Hi! Thank you so much for supporting us♡♡ And thanks for your feedback, it's really appreciated! Here's what I answered to similar questions above: The whole personality system is still a work in progress, but I would love to have more possible variations based on that for these animations! However, right now adding variations is not our highest priority, we're focusing on creating all the basics first. :) Thank you for all the great ideas, I'm taking notes. ♡

Michelle Koleva

I don't think that it's a huge issue at the moment. Just noticed it accidentally. 😊

Sandy Pierre

Ahhhh thank you for explaining. I can’t wait to see the outcome and this development’s success in 2025.


I like the details in the bench press animation, like the uneven lift in the low skill and the bounce after going up in the medium skill one, very cool :)


just to add some diversity of opinions - i personally *love* the proposal acceptance animation! to me it speaks of a relationship with a lot of trust, and being really in sync. to me it's like, the accepting para is taken by surprise, but then goes straight into "of course <3" idk i think it's also because i've always hated the idea of big dramatic gesture public proposals (irl), so being as toned down and sweet as possible for me is a plus. maybe showing a different angle would be nice, so we can see the accepting para's facial expression 🥰


I think the romantic interactions animations look a little robotic, the exercising ones look smooth and nice!

Brandy Howard

You have come such a long way from the animation that was shared of the male character working out, and his arms were going hyper-speed lol. These animations are so good! Great work dev. team! This game is going to be amazing!! I can't wait for 2025! Since we just started 2024, 2025 seems so far away haha. Hopefully, there is a demo or something to try before the Early access next year. Either way, it's definitely worth the wait!

Bangtan TaeTae

This looks great! I would like to see a bit more of these same animations but on Paras with different heights


Any chance we can see some sofa and bed cuddle and kissing animations?


So far every animation I've seen I've been happy with.

Trisha Feder

The animations look really great! I have two requests / suggestions: 1: A feature that lets the player know that something special is going on right now with the camera switching to that event; like proposal, death, birth / aging, divorce / breakup, and so on. 2: A feature where newly created adult / elder Paras get some free skill points / personality traits to spend right away to represent that they already have some sort of life experience and personal development due to their life stage.


Agreed. Everything is of stellar quality and it impresses me each time, given the size of the team. Care is put into everything!


The marrige propolsal animations are overall good but I will say the emotion of suprise is a bit not noticable. But stiil I'm impresed and happy with this new animations. ((:


i do think the romantic animations feel a little robotic and underwhelming for the type of interaction it's meant for. but!! i really do enjoy the fitness animations! very realistic and fits really well with the action & skill levels you've presented us! y'all are doing wonderful!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

The patreon chat has been very 👍🏻 about adding Empathy as the final point-based trait to really solidify the personality part of the paramaker! Thoughts dev team?


Looking good! This might have been discussed already but have you considered adding cut scenes for moments like this? I think it might make it feel even more special if it's possible.


I think the romantic interactions need some work, specifically the proposal success. The paras seem like they don't really care.


I think the soundtrack could also add to these moments

Nelly Stein

When they kiss after accepting the proposal it kinda looks like they almost fall down. The fitness animations seem really realistic in my opinion. Thanks for your great work!


the para creator mode is called PAM my life is complete

Alice (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 02:16:28 Thanks!♡ Procedural adaptations (it's why I meant by "dynamically adapt the animations using code" in the post above) take a bit of time to set up and is usually done later. I just made these animations so the code adaptation us not ready to be shown yet. :)
2024-02-12 14:21:29 Thanks!♡ Procedural adaptations (it's why I meant by "dynamically adapt the animations using code" in the post above) take a bit of time to set up and is usually done later. I just made these animations so the code adaptation is not ready to be shown yet. :)

Thanks!♡ Procedural adaptations (it's why I meant by "dynamically adapt the animations using code" in the post above) take a bit of time to set up and is usually done later. I just made these animations so the code adaptation is not ready to be shown yet. :)


Hi! These are a bit of technical challenge and not our highest priority right now (basic and important animations are still missing and need to be done first). I would love to have some though!


Hi! Thank you so much! 1- Love that idea! 2- Yes, I agree! We talked a bit about that. I can't confirm anything as I'm not actively working on this aspect of the game. However, that would be a great question/suggestion to add in the next DevChat! Thanks for sharing your ideas♡♡


Hi, thank you so much for your feedback!♡ We really wanted to go with a more speechless/shocked emotion for these animations, and saddly with this camera angle we can't really see Sofia's expressions. However, we would love to add more variations of these animations, maybe based on relationships status or even personalities. Right now adding variations is not our highest priority though, as we're focusing on creating all the basics first. :)

Alice (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 02:16:28 Hi Sunny, thank you a lot for your feedback! ♡ We would love to have more variations later for the marriage proposal animations later, but right now adding variations is not our highest priority as we're focusing on creating all the basics first. I'm taking notes, thanks again :))
2024-02-12 14:35:06 Hi Sunny, thank you a lot for your feedback! ♡ We would love to have more variations later for the marriage proposal animations, but right now adding variations is not our highest priority as we're focusing on creating all the basics first. I'm taking notes, thanks again :))

Hi Sunny, thank you a lot for your feedback! ♡ We would love to have more variations later for the marriage proposal animations, but right now adding variations is not our highest priority as we're focusing on creating all the basics first. I'm taking notes, thanks again :))


Hi Sophie! I'm not actively working on the personality system, but maybe try to ask your question in the next devchat? The other devs might have better answers haha. :)


Hi, thanks Emelia! ♡ Yes we've discussed wheter or not we will have cutscenes or cinematics for important moments. I can't give you an answer as of now but we're thinking about it. Maybe we'll have other ways to show the player that something special is happening? Like a change in the UI, in music, 2D fxs...


Hi, thank you for your feedback! For this one we really wanted to have a speechless/toned down kind of reaction. A more excited one could be very cute though, it could play a different variation depending on the personnality! However, right now adding animation variations is not our highest priority, we're focusing on creating all the basics first. :)


they are looking great!!!

Francis McDonald

Fantastic work everyone. Just beautiful


I really like the fact that the proposal animation isn't exaggerated :)


Personnaly, I like the proposal animation success because it don't looks exaggerated ✨

Clara M Johnson

I always wanted a barbell set like this in a life sim, since it's so much more common with people, then those other types, which are more common in a big public gym. And it looked very realistic too. Also likes how the proposal was done in a realistic manner, including the rejection, lol! Nothing silly, more serious!

Ryan Parr

FANTASTIC WORK! I am already loving these. I think this going really well and I'm LOVING it. I love the fitness barbell like this. I do agree with some people in the comments. However I don't think they look robotic. Honestly others sims games look more robotic to me then this. I think it's great work and I really appreciate the work you're doing. I think it's great!

Another Plumbob

I think this is an amazing idea actually. A serious para would probably react in a more toned down way, whereas a more excitable para would probably be over the moon and jumping

Olya Gubkina

Omg it’s amazing 😻

FinFan 83

The failed proposal is so realistic I feel bad for Jason


Alice, you're doin' amazing girl, i love the fact that the ring box did not dissapear from his hands when he hug her, the reject animation was heartbreaking for real, your attention to the details is a chef kiss ( :


Thank you so much Ryan, I'm happy you like it! ♡


Thank you haha, don't worry for him though! He's doing great♡


Aw thank you so much, I'm very happy you like it! ♡♡♡

FinFan 83

Thanks for animating this for us and letting us know he's OK, he won't be banging his head on the wall or sitting in bars ! Go Jason, go !


I’m new to Patreon, and honestly I didn’t know there was mainly one animator on the team. I would really like to commend you Alice for your hard work and the amazing animations you’ve made so far. I love how realistic and simple the animations are.

Fosette Anderson

Absolutely love how this is coming along. I can't wait to see what you do in the future!

Fran Smith

I don't think they are robotic at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. They look a LOT more natural than The Sims animations.

Tereza Restrepo García

Marriage proposal Success reaction could also depend on the Para character. I know this one is probably more advanced but it would be great! 🙏🫶🏽 Love it!!

Trinity Smith

In the future, adding a para who cries during their proposal or jumps up and down in excitement would be a nice feature to match different personalities.

Maxayn Henderson

Maybe consider an proposal at a restaurant or party where friends can celebrate with the couple or console them.