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Hi! It’s Alex.

I have a few small updates to share this week so let’s get started! This post is for Patrons only so please don’t share it, thanks! 🔒

🏠 Roofs

Chloé and Jérémie are currently developing a first version of our roof tools! This was one of the build mode features that we hadn’t worked on much yet.

Roofs are built using pieces that you can resize and combine.

A cute little house that Chloé made using two roof objects.

Chloé will be creating various roof objects with different textures, shapes and trims. We’re looking forward to showcasing how they can be used to cover up all kinds of floor plans! After the initial Early Access release of the game, we plan to add more advanced customization options for roofs.

🛌 Animating Bedsheets to Make Sure Our Parafolks Sleep Well

A little while ago, Alejandro worked on a very technical but very much needed piece of the live mode: animations for bed sheets when Parafolks are sleeping. It was definitely tricky because we had to make sure the sheets adapt to whichever size of Parafolk and any pose they might currently have.

As you know, the beds are resizable, so animating the bedsheets couldn’t be done in a simple and traditional way. It required us to do it with some fancy code that deforms the sheets dynamically based on the characters under them instead. It was a fun challenge!

🍪 Bonus From Last Week’s Post: Cookies and Drinks!

Last week’s post was all about new meals that Léa and Chloé created for the game. Today, I’m sharing a few more screenshots with all new food and drink items:

Fancy some Cookies? Chloé got you covered, fresh out of the oven! Chocolate chip, ube, oatmeal, and peanut butter.

Want a luxurious coffee? Here is a latte or an espresso just for you. Order them at a café or make them at home.

What's the most tasty way to get a lot of vitamins? Smoothies, of course.

From left to right: blueberry, carrot, coconut, mango, raspberry, spinach, and strawberry.

Have a great weekend everyone! ☕




Oh my god, the moving bedsheets! The details! I love it! I love the little details

Sláine Sheils

Awsome cant wait got myself a MSI Game core i15 gaming laptop

Julio Saliba

The cookies and drinks look delicious! Also, will we have different styles of roofs like a dome, thatched roof, pagodas etc. ? Can we also stack roofs like in temples?


Amazing how close to real movement the paras and their surroundings are


Yes, we plan to create various shapes and styles for roofs! Roof objects could be stacked by offsetting their position up, yes!


I adore the sleeping animation and movement of the bed sheets. Everything looks incredible, as always!


Thank you guys so much for the level of detail you are adding. I can't stress enough how important diverse and detailed animations are for this type of game.

Vash T

So exciting! Everything is coming along so well! Also, the open window!


Been patiently waiting since the beginning and I can tell it's going to pay off 🙌🏼


Wow, those bedsheets are pretty impressive tech-wise.

Artis Zaķis

Is that a current limitation that the roof turned red when you wanted to stretch it over the house a little more than where the wall was? Or is that how they're supposed to function? Because it seems a little limiting if they can't float above buildings, even though that might be more realistic 😅

Christie Black

Would Paras be able to cuddle while sleeping - like in the Sims 2? Everything looks great so far!


I love it!! You should be very proud of yourselves!!😊💖


I think it turned red because the right part of the roof was for a moment out of the bounds of the lot


This is not planned for the initial release of the game but we would love to add that in the future!


Could the sheets technology be applied to other things in the future ? Like, putting a blanket on your knees while watching TV for instance ? Once that the code is there, I imagine it can be (to a reasonable extent) expanded. (PS : yay ! ube !)


Excellent attention to detail as always. The bedsheet animation is perfect!


Been following for almost 5 years now I said it then and I'll say it now I cannot wait for this game keep the good work Alex and the team 👏 🙌 ❤

Christine Harvey

These updates look really good! I love the sleeping animation! I would LOVE too if we could have ice coffees and make paras who really like to drink iced coffees. :)

Melina W

i noticed that there is no ceiling under roof here, will that be the default and will we be able to add floors or flat roofs if we want to?

Julia Moreau

This is very promising, I'm so happy I started following you years ago, the project is incredible, and the team is so nice and dedicated, it gives me the feeling it's a pleasure to come to work on the project. 🌞 Also, I had a funny introspective not long ago : since I discovered the Paralives project I haven't played the sims even once, and I don't want to, even though I played this game for years. Paralives gaming experience shows us so many tremendous differences, interests, and novelties, it's even unfair to Paralives to compare it to the sims, because really, the latter just dug its grave long ago when they decided to close their ears to people's demands and stopped innovating. I'm with you for the rest of the road and after 🌱🌾🌳 P.S: please could you do some real luxurious curly hair of different lengths and hairstyles? It's like no game can ever make beautiful curls, it's always curly/messy like when I get out of bed 😐


Looking forward to see the final result of the roof system. Something alot of games struggle with. Btw. Are you able to make a roof that will look like it's a greenhouse? Always love making greenhouses but making the roof for it is tricky. Again, great work, cant wait until we can test it out!

Nathalie Carluccio

OMG 😱 you killed it with the bedsheets ❤️❤️❤️❤️ and the Cappuccino 👍👍❤️❤️❤️ too good to be true 🤣🤣


Yes, the flat roof will be there by default! I just like to remove it when making gifs and videos because the lighting is better when the sun comes into the house and we still need to improve our indoor lighting


Thanks so much for your continuous support and kind words! It's really kind of you! And thank you for the suggestion for the curly hair, I see what you mean! I will pass it on to Sonia and Léa!


Thank you! It would be really nice to have glass roofs to create greenhouse, it's definitely something we will be considering to see what we can do


Thank you for the answers! Great job om the game, we are all excited


Love how realistic the bedsheet animation is, great work! A question about the roofs: will we be able to make a green roof, i.e. a flat roof with vegetation on it to absorb rainwater, provide insulation, creating a living space for wildlife and simply adding greenery for the environment-friendly paras?


I'm so so excited for this game. We all really appreciate the team's hard work and dedication. Y'all keep it up !!

Luther Duncan

Thats some serious bedsheet animation right there !!! I'm so proud of this team and to be a patron ! 😍

Gill Reid

I love the bedsheets, it looks so realistic. One question about the roofs, will there be an option for auto roofs? I'm so so bad at roofing!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

The bedsheets are impressive. I love how dramatically they shift when the para moves.


Thank you! Flat roofs are possible and you can place any object on it so doing something like this will be possible, yes!


Thank you :) An option for auto roofs would be amazing! We are definitely interested in doing something like this in the future if we can but this feature won't make it for the initial Early Access release unfortunately


Even on the sims 4 forums, people still talk about this feature. It was very beloved. I think we would all love to have it!


Bedsheets animation blew my mind. Such a small detail, but incredibly beautiful. Seeing these Paras come alive as beings and not 1 dimensional dolls has been a joy!


First, love what I'm seeing. But question regarding the roof. It looks like it has a built-in limit for the overhang, but what about buildings with floors or roofs that are cantilevered. When designing (in reality) you would have to make structural design changes to steel, but you can achieve some large overhangs with modern structural design. Will there be a way to allow larger spans? In the Sims, you have to basically make extra walls (then delete them) to allow for large cantilevers, will it be the same here?

Gary Hardt

The bedsheets being so dynamic is a breath of fresh air. Compared to the sims where the sheets barely move, the sheets in the sims games are like they are taped or tacked into place. I always hated that.

Adrian Silagan

Wow! The ube took me by surprise!

Lucie Baha

Once again, you do your best to provide us with the best possible customization. Do you plan to add round windows and an inventory for paras.


I love the bedding animations. It would be nice if paras tossed and turned, depending on their personality or if they're stressed. I know I've got nights where I'm moving a lot! n_n'


The bedsheets look so puffy and smooth and cozy! I was expecting them to maybe look a little wonky because of the challenges you mentioned for the animation, but of course you guys knocked it out of the park again!! Nothing in this game is below highest quality. I'm endlessly impressed

Jordan Harrison

Wait. The animated bedsheets are something I never knew I wanted til just now. I love this feature

Yassou 야

L’idée de l’animation dans le lit est incroyable 😻 bon travail sur tout comme d’habitude !!

Bethy Grace

I love that you guys took the time to work it out and animate those bedsheets despite the challenge. Those kinds of details will help to make the game 😊👌 Roof tools look like they're off to a good start, will be keen to see more. Will they "disappear" if inside a building? - The little house you showcased looks like it could use a "half" piece so one edge can be flat against the building. Roofing must be so tricky, good luck team!


Wow, that bedsheet! The fact that you guys went the extra mile to dynamically morph the sheets dependent on the character. And it looks so flowy and realistic! You all don't skip a single detail.


I look forward to seeing the roof tool progress, and new animations are always exciting! That's what really makes a game feel alive! 💚


I can't tell you enough how mesmerizing the animated bedsheet is that's amazing also super excited about the smoothies


not sure if this is what you're referring to, but the team has said in a different comment that the roof piece temporarily turning red is in response to the right edge of it crossing the boundaries of the lot (not really visible in the video). it's not the resizing of the roof piece itself, just that it can't come off the lot. hope that heps!


The smoothies looks so good! I want to taste them🥤🥤🥤

Adamah Meir

Love the roof feature, particularly the lack of snap-to-grid! Looks like this will be much easier to customize roof shapes and sizes.


I love what you do for roofs, animation, etc., but I would like to know if it would be possible to make green roofs, to have different types of piano, a type of tiles for roofs and also fireplaces, a wood stove or pellets for ceilings too and if we can resize the TV and not only window or beds, if for the table there would be titles of places as it could be done for the beds and if there is gameplay of the household type other than dishes

Tee W

I can't wait till early access is available I love this game already.

Moon River

I really hope personality traits affect every day actions/animations + interactions. Like a child that has a “wild” or “rambunctiousness” trait could have their own special animation for sleeping. Like arms and legs sort of falling out the bed etc. (hope that visual makes sense lol) Details like that really make characters feel individualized and unique. Also encourages players to play with different kinds of characters as it leaves something to be discovered /makes each play-through feel new :)


oooo!!!! those bed animations are amazing!!!!! so impressed with the team. can't describe how happy i am to support you all. :-)

bohnita roy choudhury

Omg the bed thing is super cool??! The details, that's what I love about this game, the things n features I can only dream of, n the details ! Such a jolly n cool team !

bohnita roy choudhury

I hope we can use comforters n blankets that didn't come with the bed, n hope there's multiple ways of leaving the bed (full cover with bedcover, pillow bare but rest covered with bedcover/blanket/comforter, messy bed with pillow askew n blanket/sheet in a mess with items n misc n softoys on it.

Amy Joscelyn

Small thing, but I hope the mugs/teacups you get at a cafe differ from what a Parafolk would find in their home. It would make the bought lattes feel more special if it's in different china.


Omg the sleeping and blankets animations is amazing!


I hope the bedsheet visuals get smoothened out towards the release of the game, they seem very choppy in a way


Wow! Everything looks amazing! And welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful vacation! How will the sleeping animation look like when two paras sleep together? Will their relationship status will affect the animation? Meaning, 2 romantically involved paras will cuddle (and maybe will change spoons during the night), and two friendly paras will perform the same animation as shown in this post?

Caius Cosades

Fancy code indeed! Well done, that looks friggen awesome!


On the concept of sleeping Paras in bed, seeing the sheet move dynamically with them, will the same be true with the pillow or is that going to be more static to the mesh?

Laura Cacique

OMG!!! Looking so good!!!! The animations and food!! Wow!! So happy with this!!! Good job!


I love that the bedsheets are animated!


The animated bedsheets are a fantastic detail! Great job! 👏🏻

FinFan 83

I know it's just a game, and that "house with roof made of 2 roof objects" is probably just a quick mock-up to showcase possibilities, but can't help noticing that the porch part is leading water right into main building's walls with that hipped roof . Poor Paras will have to renovate it soon after settling in ! The animated sheets are so nice, they aren't a stiff piece of cardboard over a bed like many years ago ! The latte with art on top is cute too ! Imagine how a Para with no cooking skills could make a plain coffee, and spill half before bringing it to table, while more advanced one could produce one with art like this.

Michelle Koleva

Roofs! My hell! One of the main reasons, next to "incompetence", to not being a fan of building and using preset houses (also I use preset houses in a show of respect to their creators). They look beautiful when you do it, people! I just put something flat and that is! LOL

Erin Bailey

Omg the bed sheets moving add sm more immersion. When the para take something from the fridge will they actually be opening and closing the fridge door with the handle as well as manually turning facets on and off?

Heather Kiser

The coffee with the heart 😭 it’s so cute 💕