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Hey everyone, it’s Andrei! 🥁

It’s been a while since we’ve had a music post, so I’m here to tell you about our progress with our game’s soundtrack.

🎥⬆ As you saw in the video above we’ll be talking about some Paramaker music, but also about the details of our production progress and what we plan to do once most tracks are finished.

New Paramaker Music

First things first, the track that you heard in the video above is one of our newest songs called “Life is ok”. You might recognize it from the video where Roger dies 😅 On a more personal note, I’ve always seen this song as a hymn of letting the things we love go. I know, it’s cheesy. But it fits the Paramaker!

Here’s a screenshot of the messy (!) Logic Pro project of “Life Is Ok”

In the last music post, we showcased a recently made Paramaker track and explained how the music changes according to the player’s actions. However, we never actually showed this feature! At the end of the video above (besides listening to another Paramaker track called “Time Machine”!), you’ll notice that as the camera gets closer to Marvin, the music adapts itself, leaving only a soft/intimate version of the song and vice versa as it pans away.

This isn’t the only interactive music system we have in mind for the Paramaker. On top of this, we are considering adding music stingers (short musical accents) whenever the player gets to do important actions (creating/deleting a para, confirming the creation of a household, etc). We’ll talk more about it in the future (maybe!).

Status Report

I’m pretty excited to say that we’re more than halfway through the creation of the main soundtrack for the Early Access release of the game 🥳There is obviously still a lot left to do but as we add more tracks, create more unique sounds and try different ideas, the identity of our original soundtrack keeps taking shape.

Bonus Paralives soundtrack fun fact (for music nerds): did you know that every song from the Paramaker and Build mode is in a different harmonic key from one another? Not only that but Paramaker music only has sharps (#) and Build mode has only flats (b) in order to contrast both game modes. There, now you know 😌

Nearing the End

As we get closer to the end of our Paramaker/Build mode music production, we are considering revamping our old favorite demos back from when I first started working at Paralives. I’m thinking of tracks such as Intertwined for the Paramaker and Home for the Build mode. Not only would it save us some brainstorming time, but we also inevitably grew fond of these songs and can’t let them go.

So once we get those revamps done and finish the rest of the songs, we’ll still have some things left to do:

  • Making the night versions of the Build mode tracks!

  • Revising each song for them to reach their max potential

  • Get them all mixed and mastered to be up to today’s music standards
    - However this might have to wait for the rest of the soundtrack to be completed first!

I’m honestly pretty excited about what's to come for this whole production phase of the Paralives soundtrack. Hopefully next time I’ll get to talk to you about other interesting music/audio aspects we’ve been secretly preparing. What did you like the most about today’s music post? Thanks so much for everything everyone! Have a great Friyay!

Andrei 🐐🧨

Edit - March 28th, 2024: This post is now public, feel free to share it!



The camera adapting is just f***ing GENIUS. Zooming in is generally when we get to the details, so having a music that’s a little more focusing is freaking genius. Nice one team!


I love the detail of having the paramaker soundtracks sharp and build mode flat, as a music nerd that's such a cool detail :D

Adamah Meir

Giving me relaxing, lo-fi hip-hop vibes

Ella Pilchik

ok I'm super late to this post, music is nice, i just want to say the foot animation was kinda distracting me. those appear to be doc martinesque boots which are steel toed and should not move that flexibly


This has brought me so much peace✨

Hoff Fondue

It's been such a while since I was able to backup this project 😔, I love the direction it is going, specially the current music is such a step up from when it started, really good, we'll probably hear it in the back of our minds like pokemon music.