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Hello everyone! Léa here to bring you new build mode objects!

As you may have noticed, we like to create trendy furniture and Pinterest-worthy interiors for our showcases. However, most people don’t have this kind of decor at home! For today’s post, the rooms will be less about decor trends and more about functionality!

Home Gym

Do your Parafolks keep telling everyone that they like to work out? Building a gym for them seems like the best way to help them reach their goals! Chloé recently added two brand new gym equipment to the game: a treadmill for cardio and a bench press to build muscles!

A spacious room with gym equipment and sport-related clutter (the free weights are currently not usable and will only be used for decoration).

New motivational wall art featuring the famous Mustache Man who used to be (apparently?) a famous bodybuilder!

POV: you’re 18yo and convinced your parents to let you use the basement as your studio apartment

We started to implement more affordable and common decor and furniture for your Parafolks: for this room, we chose iconic affordable furniture, which you can easily find in most stores.

As always when I’m building in Paralives, I just put food everywhere to make it look more homey!

Chloé had a lot of fun creating a ‘’GMRZ Gear’’ desk and chair. Please note that the double monitor pc is not yet implemented in the game so we used TVs as placeholders!

Sliding Doors are arriving in Paralives! This one model is intended to look like a closet, but we will introduce other models soon!

Baby’s Room

The reality of having a baby is all the small things that are required to take care of them. Welcoming a miniature Parafolk is a ton of work and now you will be able to create a cozy room for them! More objects for babies and toddlers will be added before the release of the game!

A spacious room with a new crib, a changing table, a potty chair, and a high chair! In the corner, you can also spot a new pair of sliding doors for a more classic look

Our collection of children's decor is growing! Can you tell Chloé had a ton of fun making floor toys for the little ones?

That’s it for today, more will be coming soon since we are creating and integrating more objects for the game every day! We hope that this new content gave you many ideas for what you will create for your Parafolks 💕

Take care!

Léa ૮⍝• ᴥ •⍝ゝ

Edit - January 18th, 2024: This post is now public, feel free to share it!



That mustache man poster 🥵


Ngl, when I saw it I said "BODY PILLOW!!!" I hope there's lore/story behind the character! Not a request, more of a suggestion, a long cat plush/body pillow would be nice... Otherwise I'll need to learn to mesh. 😅 Joking aside, everything you've shown looks fantastic, I'm really happy about the sliding doors too, so versatile! I'll have to check the images in more detail later today! EDIT: Character seems like Hatsune Miku-like, maybe a virtual idol or maybe a magical girl in an anime? I'm really curious!

Danielle Kappen

Something I have noticed in your rooms which I’m sure you’re working on, is the fact that the rooms don’t appear to have ceilings. The outdoor light is coming through the ceiling - but again I’m sure you’re working on that already :)


Waiting very patiently for the release... 😊

Megan Santucci

I love all of this but I think my favorite thing is the starry wallpaper in the nursery. I am going to use that EVERYWHERE.

Megan Santucci

Also I literally have that moon lamp in real life!! 😍

Hannah Moody-Goo

Love the 18 year old's "apartment"...that takes me back to my first studio haha.


I love this! 🤩 Somehow missed this post, so didn’t see it until now 🙈 So many good objects 😍

Leo Cuervo

I'm an actor and getting created in the game, so you will see me working out a lot!


Love seeing baby/children stuff. Hoping in the future we might get prams and buggy's to take babies and toddlers out and about in.