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Hi there,

Alex here today to share various updates and a poll! This post is for Patrons only so please don’t share it, thank you!

Discussion Interactions

As you may know, we’re currently working on everything related to the social needs of our Parafolks. This includes doing interactions as a group, having conversations and developing relationships. We’re eager to showcase these features in the near future!

Today, we wanted to show you one of the discussion animations that Alice made. This animation showcases general conversations; however, there will be many different animations to reflect Paras arguing or having a lot of fun, for instance.

Two good friends catching up.

We’re planning to show more discussion interactions soon and letting you hear what the spoken language of the Parafolks actually sounds like!

New Televisions

Recently, we added a new object to our furniture catalogue. It was a bit strange for Paras to be gawking at our duck pillow all the time (as nice as it is), so we decided to finally add some entertainment in their lives via televisions!

One of the new TVs, which has a sleek design. The image that’s playing is a placeholder until we decide what we want the screens to display.

The televisions also have details to their backs, like their power plugs and the multiple slots for cables. Luckily for us, we get to skip on the messy cables in Paralives!

If your Para has a tighter space or budget, there will be other models available to fit those needs.

The exciting thing about being in the stage of large-scale production of objects is that we are starting to get more and more items like these that truly help flesh out the space. We are looking forward to showing you all more of our new objects in the future!

Poll: Relationship Gameplay

Since we are working on gameplay features related to relationships and everything social, we would like to know: which social features would be most important to you? Please vote in the poll below! You can select multiple answers.

Have a great day!




Hello Alex, salut la team! (je me permet d'abuser du fait que vous êtes francophones pour parler français, vous m'en excuserez x') ) Je me sens coupable de ne pas avoir pris le temps de regarder votre progression depuis plusieurs mois (les aléas de la vie personnelle et le peu de temps allouables à toutes choses), ni d'aller faire un tour sur votre Discord pour envoyer mes salutations et encouragements à toutes et tous. Ce message juste pour vous dire que, néanmoins, j'apprécie toujours de voir que vous gardez le cap et pour vous garantir de mon soutien financier (aussi modeste soit-il), même si je ne suis pas le plus proactif et vocale de vos backers/patrons ^^. Bonne journée/fin de semaine à toutes et tous.

Nathalie Carluccio

To be honest I like them all and couldn't really make a decision 😂, you're doing a 👍

Ashley Brent

what if there was an attraction meter. The meter measures how paras "feel" or "perceive" other paras but doesn't reflect actually closeness. This means that because a para feels a strong connection, they are comfortable doing interactions that would require higher relationship level. For example, if para meets someone new, they have low relationship bar because they are acquittances, but Para A "feels" like Para B is really friendly/nice/trustworthily (their platonic attraction bar is high) and interactions that require higher relationship level open up (like telling a deep secret). Perhaps Para B attraction level is closer to their actually relationship level and is uncomfortable with them being so open despite just being aquaitances.

Ashley Brent

It would also be cool if the attraction bar makes it easier or harder to build relationship. Depending on how close the attraction bar is to the relationship relatively effects the speed of increase or decrease. This could lead to things like fast friends or quick enemies or paras jumping into romantic relationship before they know each other well. This could also mean if a Para A has a high relationship with Para B, but something happens to lower their attraction it will be harder for Para A to maintain their relationship with Para B. Para A would lose relationship points for Para B faster. Para B could be oblivious to this, or Para A could tell them how they feel!

Anouchka Scaillet

Thanks for the great job so far! One thing I realised was starting to miss in The Sims and made the game more exciting in the past were “problems”. Such as having thieves, burglaries, negative characters and events to keep you on your toes and have an exciting gameplay… I wish this will be also part of the game, life is not always pretty or uneventful.

Karri H.

This sentiment has been mirrored in other comments above but I'd also love if (optionally) Paras had preset things they're attracted to (hair styles, interests, skills), and those selected made it easier to build relationships, but maybe weren't locked in/dead set - just maybe made it faster to build. I also felt like with *another simulation game*, you could build the relationship bar by just cycling through the same interactions over and over - you could have your character talk all freaking day to another and if they met that morning, by 9pm they're best friends. I'd love if NPCs had varying limits on how much they're talked to. Maybe a Para with more introverted traits prefers your Para only have 3-5 interactions w them to start, and that grows/changes as they get closer.