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Jérémie recently made changes to the game’s code that improved the Parafolks’ pathfinding that we’ve already told you about in a previous post. What is pathfinding? It’s how the characters will find their way in the world and walk around walls and objects. In order to test it out, we built a hedge maze for our Paras!

🎥▶️ Watch the video at the top of this post to see our pathfinding in action!

Eli seems pretty excited about this maze!

Behind the scenes: the game generates a navigation map (in blue) to determine where the characters can walk.

It’s so satisfying seeing our little Parafolks navigating their world! We still have some improvements to do like smoothing the movements when they turn a corner, adding custom navigation when encountering objects along the path like doors or stairs and optimizing the code that does the pathfinding.

Have a great weekend!


Edit - January 26, 2023: This post in now public, feel free to share it!



this looks stunning! i would love to make a corn field maze in game for some fall time fun


This looks so fun! I wanna make my paras run around in mazes too 🤩


This is amazing! I love how Eli is raring to go! 😆 superb job! Jérémie & team! 👏🏻⭐️

Hannah Moody-Goo

Very cool. I am so impressed by this and I love seeing the progress!


So amazing! I'm very impressed that you guys really do care about such things.

Nyssa Joseph

Oh wow! The game looks absolutely stunning 🤩

Felicia Bailey

I'm not sure if this makes sense on this specific post but the thought just hit me! In certain games time moves way too fast and it feels like I don't have time to really enjoy simple activities without 2 hours flying by. Will you guys have a way to have time be slower than most simulation games?


When I look at everything in paralives and it soooo soooo sooo cozy to me when the game come out i’m gonna play it for 24 hours

Deborah Aittokallio

It would be cool if they could climb over things like walls, and sit or jump to the other side, like if you click a wall an option for climb and sit could appear. And if you click on a path beyond were there is a wall in front on the para they could jumb over it and continue their path. And also if they could walk over smaller objects would be cool too, would be nice when you clutter on the home. But I'm guessing it's quite a bit of work to do that.