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*grabs the mic*🎙 Hellooooooo everyone!

For this first week of the spooky month I, Sonia, will be your host to showcase our newest character texture: 🎊 elder skin!🎊

I gathered a lot of references of seniors from various ethnicities and ages to be able to create this skin texture. I was amazed to see the huge differences in how people age based on environment, ethnicity or genetics! That really made us think about how we can offer such uniqueness in the game.

Elder Face Texture

As I said before, there’s a huge range and variety of wrinkles and it would be a shame to miss on that! So to help you create your perfect senior, we decided to let you decide what wrinkles you want. For now we only have a few wrinkles available, but worry not, there will be more options down the line.

Here are a three of the variations you can select:

Parafolk with no additional wrinkles

Parafolk with different additional wrinkles

You’ll have a few options for various facial areas such as forehead, cheeks, mouth, eyes….And you can combine them!

Wrinkles selection in the paramaker and Parafolk with additional wrinkles

Elder Body Texture

Here are some screenshots of our elder body textures:

Here is our nameless Parafolk wearing the latest elder skin texture

This is the base you’ll be working with when you want to create an elder Parafolk, but wait, there’s more!

Additional Textures

You can also choose to add skin details such as brown spots or cellulite.

Parafolk with brown spots texture

Parafolk with cellulite texture. This texture could also be applied on younger characters.

Hair Recoloration

This other feature, which was shown previously, can be used to custom your elder even more to create white roots on the hair.

Advanced hair color selection in the Paramaker. Hairs will automatically turn white when growing old but then, players will be able to customize the color.

Keep in mind that the game is still a work in progress, more textures will be added and existing ones may change or be improved. We’re hoping that all these features will spark your creativity and help you to create lovely seniors for your stories ✨

On this note, I wish you all a good weekend!

Sonia signing off *drops the mic*🎤

Edit - May 18, 2023: This post is now public, feel free to share it!



i hope we will have an option to also create good-looking elders with "classic-beautiful" bodies so that there are so many people 50+ years who looks just stunning

Keith Conlon

Will there be like for gradual aging even visual gradual aging process sub life stages within traditional life stages in order to portray https://www.rxlist.com/age_by_decade/definition.htm DEFINITION OF AGE BY DECADE Medical Editor: Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD HOME AGE_BY_DECADE Age by decade: A term designating someone's age by decade. For example, a septuagenarian refers to someone in his or her seventies (age 70 to 79). The prefix in such terms is always from the Latin. For example, the Latin septuageni = seventy. Denarian: Someone age 10 to 19. Vicenarian: Someone in his or her twenties. Tricenarian: Someone in his or her thirties. Quadragenarian: Someone in his or her forties. Quinquagenarian: Someone in his or her fifties. Sexagenarian: Someone in his or her sixties. Septuagenarian: Someone in his or her seventies. Octogenarian: Someone in his or her eighties. Nonagenarian: Someone in his or her nineties. Centenarian: Someone 100 or more. Supercentenarian: Someone 110 years old or more (no upper limit). The terms denarian, vicenarian, tricenarian, and quadragenarian are not in common usage. The term supercentenarian was coined in 1991. Within Paralives I was asking because of apparently the now public updates on Toddlers children, teens and Elders and other life stages. Since honestly the all of the life stages could use considerable amount of sub life stages breaking up. Medical Definition of Age by decade You sent https://www.patreon.com/posts/73002725 Elder Parafolks: Screenshots and Creative Process | Alex Massé on Patreon You sent And/or could there be official Paralives mod combining the gist of sims 3 gradual aging mods https://modthesims.info/d/490536/grow.html https://modthesims.info/d/517293/age.html and sims 4 age spots/sun spots mod https://modthesims.info/d/607604/automatic-sunburns-v10a-flerb-update.html with Because of Dynamic Wrinkles transitioning into Static Wrinkles and other aging over time skin and overall body details. The following imagesseems would be the valid possible end result depending upon various individuals factors. https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/wrinkles https://www.reallusion.com/character-creator/dynamic-wrinkle.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quyF-8LbLtc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAd-IotnMiI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-TfQDk_cao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfUoL4ANFSc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jehy9WsZnGs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_5WzqMpFw4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbOxmCAmUEs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_O1K870_MU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSzutmTg-T4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cikkcp3rmVc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cikkcp3rmVc (edited) Grow

Keith Conlon

I am bringing it up because of Most living generations ever https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/most-living-generations-(ever)/?fb_comment_id=653356121442491_744011452376957 How many generations of a family can possibly be alive at the same time? https://www.quora.com/How-many-generations-of-a-family-can-possibly-be-alive-at-the-same-time Because it seems to me that the traditional sims franchise style of life stages just doesn't work with multiple generations living at the same time since usually with the traditional Sims franchise life stages mechanic the most generations that can be recognized in being able to live at the same time even relating to each other in multigenerational family trees are the basically three generations the the grandparents the parents(grandparents children) and the children(parents children and grandparents grandchildren) it can't seem to recognize countless generations before the grandparents and countless generations after the children/grandchildren. Which understandably completely hacks/screws up the whole point and structure to multigenerational family tree and any attempts to do multigenerational stories like the Sims 3 generations legacy.

Keith Conlon

Basically sims games don't get great (however many greats) grandparents living to see their great (however many greats) grandchildren. Once again the Sims franchise computer games and video games traditional style and structure to life stages and aging.

Keith Conlon

Consider that at times but not neccessarily always what you are talking about is due to application of Anti-aging cosmetics and other anti aging beauty regimen products and Anti-aging cosmetic surgery. However not everyone views looking younger is more beautiful than actually allowing to visually grow older and age. There are those especially those among the Pro-aging movement that actually view allowing themselves to visually grow older and age is just as beautiful as when they were in their youth. Just different point of views ways of seeing things and personal situations in that arena/area.

Keith Conlon

Plus chest and cleavage wrinkles and thinning and receding hairline.

Alex Robitaille

Fascinating. Love this progress update, the elders actually look like elders and I love it! Would love to know if the wrinkles gradually appear (or even have an opacity slider?) or if they have just the plain versions shown above (which are amazing!) Happy October <3


Omg the cellulite detail is something I didn’t know I needed in this game!!!! How cool!!


Will there be any efforts to represent disabled people in this game?


Would being elderly create a skill cap slash loss of skill on skills maybe besides the mastered ones and maybe unlock a special timeless variation of the skill?


I really like how you will be able to add how many wrinkles you want!


could elders use canes? please and get back pain or not if they had a healthy lifestyle when they were younger.


This makes me so happy ♥♥♥

Maiden Minnesota

Speaking as an almost-elder, there need to be more lines around the mouth. The representations here look more middle-aged, than elder. We also have jowls. Gravity is not our friend (except for the whole keeping us on the planet thing). Everything works its way downward. Outer eye canthus turns downward, outer edge of the eyebrow turns downward, eyelids become heavy and hooded, mouth corners turn downward, with lots of little pucker lines surrounding the lips, with crease lines extending from the edges of the mouth to the chin, double chins form with wattle-y skin beneath. Growing older is not for the weak, nor for the vain!


I love the progress you made, Sonia.