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Hi there,

Alex here today to give you various updates and news regarding Paralives 🏡.

Planning: Development Roadmap  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

As you may know, we have a Development page on our website that indicates our progress on the development of Paralives. To give you an even better and more precise look at our internal planning, we are preparing a detailed roadmap to be shared with you. It will be a bullet list of everything that’s been done so far, everything that we are currently doing and most importantly, the features that are planned for the initial release of the game. Features won’t be described in depth because the designs are not final yet and there are some secrets as well but it will give you a good overview of what’s left to do and what’s coming up. I’m looking forward to sharing that with you Patrons in a couple of weeks and then, with everyone a bit later!

Clothing Layering: It’s Working!  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

One important feature that we originally wanted to include in our Paramaker showcase video from last December but that didn’t make it in time was the ability to wear multiple layers of clothes at once. We recently added a feature to do just that with some of the clothes. The Paramaker now has options to mix and match different combinations of tops, for example. Anna and Jérémie worked hard on that and will be sharing more on the subject in an upcoming Patreon post!

Our goal was to allow combinations of different top layers. Photos by Jonathan Francisca and Heleno Kaizer on Unsplash.

Townhouses: Are They Possible in Paralives?  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

We are frequently asked if Paralives will support having townhouses, which are often built right next to each other, without any space between them. The answer is yes! You are able to build walls right next to the edge of your lot, allowing neighbour houses to connect. I’m looking forward to building beautiful and detailed townhouses for our town later down the road!

Two townhouses that I quickly built to show you that they are possible. The dotted line indicates the frontier shared between the two lots. You can see that both houses have their own wall built next to the edge of their lot.

Live Mode Progress  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

Here’s what I’m currently working in regards to the live mode of the game:

  • Confirming the features to include for the interaction menu, as discussed in last week’s Patreon post.
  • Designing and building the code architecture needed for a Para to perform various interactions around the house. See this recent Patreon post for more details and an example.
  • Researching the style and layout for the general user interface in the live mode. This includes the look of the action queue, the interaction menu, the character icons, the needs of your Parafolks, etc.

With that and with Jérémie and Anna working on the character action and character animation systems, we’re getting in a good position for the basics of the live. It’s pretty exciting!

Have a great weekend and take care,



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